Depending on your age or where you grew up, you probably remember never locking the door to your house. It seems like just yesterday, but those days are long gone. Our way of life has changed rapidly. People do not know their neighbors as well as they once did.

The following are some crime facts in neighborhoods today.

- Burglary and thefts from auto's are the most prevalent neighborhood crimes.

- Household burglary is one of the easiest crimes to commit, and to prevent.

- Most home burglars are young amateurs looking for easy targets.

- In over one-half of household burglaries, there was no forced entry involved.

- Most home intrusions occur during daylight hours while homeowners are away.

Is the choice either to be burgled or turn your house into a high tech security fortress? Not at all. The first step is to know the ways burglars break into your home and what to look out for to reduce your chance of being burgled. Inexpensive precautions like installing better locks will make your dwelling more secure while at the same time a less desirable choice for the criminal. Install outdoor motion sensor lights. This is an inexpensive way to reduce the risk of someone coming onto your premises at night. Make sure you do not make it obvious that you are away. Have a neighbor pick up your mail. Make a list of all your valuable items. Neighborhood Watch is a proven crime-reduction program. Members watch out for their neighbors and report suspicious activities to their local police department.

What about installing a home security or surveillance system? Undoubtedly the largest benefit you receive when an alarm is installed in your home is the peace of mind in knowing that the percentage of homes that are broken into with an alarm is 97% less than homes that do not have an alarm. The homeowner should have a basic knowledge of the types of systems available to make the most cost effective choice. Perimeter sensors protect each door and window and detect an initial entry attempt. Motion sensors detect an intruder moving inside the house. Systems are either hardwired or wireless, using radio signals. Once an intrusion is detected the alarm system can sound a local alarm or contact an alarm monitoring company. The security representative surveying your home and living patterns can make recommendations for your best protection.

With the level of home intrusion increasing everyday there has never been a better time to make sure your home is secure.

For more information I suggest reading The Ultimate Guide to Home Security E-Book. It is an instant-download that you can print. Visit http://www.home-security-solutions.net


Planning simply means to strategise ,devising logical steps to achieve a desired goals.Planning is as potent as prayer .Any family that lives without proper planning has no proper future .No one can really enjoy what he did not plan for.Good planning guarantees good success and quality productivity. It reduces failure and time wasting in any home or establishment .
Your sitting down to plan with your partner will determine your rising up in life.People who not plan are those who end up being intimidated in life.Many couples fails to fulfill their life dreams not because they do not have the potentials for success,but because they fail to plan and implement their goals and objectives.
Some families often rush into capital intensive projects before planning how to go about it.This act is as risky as diving inti the Antlatic ocean before learning how to swim .
Jesus said "suppose one of you wants to build a tower ,will he not first sit down and estimate (plan)the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it?"(LK 14:28) it good we plan our homes in order not to ruin the wonderful relationship God wants us to enjoy The Bible say: "A noble man makes a noble plan ,and by noble deeds he stands"(Isaiah 32:8)


Communication is central to human living .It is necessary for a healthy relationship between husband and wife.Any kind of relationship is begun nourished ,and maintained by communication.Where there is ineffective communication, a relationship gap begin to develop.If this relationship gap is not bridged ,it could first lead to frustration and ultimately permanent hostility of individuals.Communication provides building blocks with which to build a marriage relationship.Where communication is ineffective ,the bricks result in a wall of separations between the husband and wife resulting to a painful misery.
Where communication is effective ,the bricks build a wall of protection around the couple,protecting the relationship from external attacks resulting in unity and harmony.


The success or the fulfillment of any marriage depends on its foundation and building materials used .If couples dig deep and lay the foundation of their marriage on a solid rock which is the word of God,christ,love,unity and faithfulness,their homes will always stand the test of time .Even if the rain descends,the flood come and the wind the marriage,it will stand because its foundation is laid on a solid rock.Coversely  any marriage that does not have its foundation laid on the word of God ,christ ,love ,unity and faithfully,such a marriage is comparable to the house that has its foundation on a sinking sand.The Bible says,"The rain descended ,and the floods came ,and the wind blew ,and beat that upon that house;and it fell! and great was the fall of it"(matt 7:27),