5 Things a Woman Can Give Her Husband to Bring a Dead Marriage Back to Life

 “If I had a flower for every time thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.”
 – Alfred Tennyson

Often when we walk down the aisle, we want to believe that our husbands will be everything to us.
We want them to love us unconditionally, encourage us, make us happy, and become our best friends.
However, we often feel short-changed when it comes to the marriage relationship because we become disappointed in our husbands for one reason or another.
While you should enjoy your marriage, one thing you should understand is that marriage is not necessarily about your happiness. Marriage can help you to become a better individual and make you stronger. It should help to enhance and improve you as a person, but sometimes the improvements and enhancements can come at a cost and great pain.
When I say pain, I do not mean abuse or adultery. These types of situations require counseling, and/or other types of immediate intervention. Both of these situations are inexcusable and could ultimately cause death.
Your marriage should be a reflection of Christ and His church. But at times it's not. In fact, sometimes your marriage can be dead!
However, it is possible to rekindle the love and bring your marriage back to life.
After many years of frustration due to unmet expectations, I recognize now how much I need to add value to my relationships.
And in the case of marriage, I know I need to give my husband 5 things that will make him happy and keep him coming home.
I'm not saying that you should be the only one contributing to the marriage. Nor am I saying that your husband should be the only one to enjoy the marriage relationship. It definitely takes two to make a marriage work well.
But in my sixteen years of being married, I have learned that certain things make most men happy, and can ultimately help you to strengthen your marriage, by taking it from the grave and bringing it back to life
These five things include:
1) Food - Truly this is partly the way to a man's heart. Find out what your husband likes. Feed him and do it well. Make sure the food you give him is healthy and flavorful.
2) Sex - This is probably the top item. But the irony is that many of the women I coach struggle with having sex with their husbands. Men have a high physical need for sex. It's a part of who they are. I've often wondered why God made us so different in our views of sex. And while I have my opinions on this, I have learned to give in AND enjoy sex with my husband. Having passionate sex can make your husband happy and your marriage closer.
3) Respect - Women crave love and men crave respect. Again, this is an area where men and women differ in their perspectives, but if your husband knows that you respect him, instead of undermining him or being negative and argumentative, he may become more open to communicating with you. Often when a man feels disrespected by his wife he feels hurt, dejected, and less of a man. This causes him to shut down and leave the marriage... at least emotionally.
4) Peace - Men would rather run from home than to deal with a loud, chaotic household. Try to make your home a peaceful haven for your husband. Make it become a place he wants to come home to, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
5) Support - When a man dreams, he needs his wife to become his cheerleader, even when it looks like he is failing. When it's dark, he needs you to be his glimmer of hope.
Of course you cannot take the place of God. But often your husband needs you more than you realize.
If you can provide these things within your marriage with a sincere heart, you can begin the journey of bringing life to a dead marriage. Be willing to understand his needs and become open to sharing yourself with your husband in these ways. While doing some of these things may take a sacrifice, they can ultimately bring life back to a dead marriage.
Tiffany Godfrey is a women's relationship coach in the area of marriage.
Don't waste time complaining about how horrible your husband is. Do your part to make the marriage work.
You'll never know if coaching will help until you try to reach out to a relationship coach. Find out if coaching will work for you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9448341

The First Three Steps in Saving Your Marriage

 “We loved with a love that was more than love.”  Edgar Allan Poe

They say falling in love is the easy part. It's staying in love that's hard. Indeed, it takes work to make a relationship last. Yet, there will come a time when no matter how sure you are that your partner is still special to you, doubts and insecurities will plague your relationship. Painful as it is to admit, some relationships really do have to end. Is yours one of them? Or can it still be saved?
If you value your partner too much to give up on the relationship easily, read on to find out how you can help erase thoughts of ever leaving it.
1.Determine if your relationship is worth saving.
Before you even make attempts at rescuing your relationship, ask yourself first if it's really worth saving. Yes may be your fervent answer, but is it an honest one? Think of the long-term consequences and think hard. If you will stay in this marriage, what will it cost you? If you leave, how do you think your decision will affect you emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially? Moreover, look back on better times. Were you, for the most part in your relationship, happy and contented? Do you think you still have a chance of regaining that feeling of completeness? Do you desire, with all your heart, to relive those wonderful moments when you were still madly and completely in love? Do you believe your love, or what's left of it, is worth saving?
2.Give the relationship your 100%.
If you do decide that you will do whatever it is needed to save your relationship, then you have to commit to that resolve a hundred percent. There should be no doubt in your mind that your love deserves a second chance. Change what needs to be changed. Understand, though, that as much as you want to, you cannot change another person. You can only influence them, so once you have made up your mind that you want your marriage to last, give it 100% focus and energy. Do not wait for your partner to make the first move. Show them what you want and if they want the same thing, they will also start to commit to the relationship 100%.
3. Maintain positive attitude all the way.
Take your relationship seriously but don't overdo it. It is possible to give it your 100% commitment and have fun at the same time. See the "task" of rescuing your relationship as an exciting challenge than a chore. Things will be easier for you this way. Suggest that you go out and do new things or go on new adventures. In return, appreciate even the small things your partner does for you.
Keeping your sense of humour intact will also go a long way. Do not start listing who's done what in your head. If you feel things are starting to slip again, take it all in good stride. Bickering and nagging will not solve anything. Light teasing and joking can do the trick oftentimes.
Though most couples are able to revive their relationship just by following the above tips religiously, there will be situations that call for the help of a Marriage Counsellor or Coach. If you feel that you need the help of a coach or counsellor, do not hesitate to seek the advice of these relationship experts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6662359

Marriage Tips - Rebuilding Your Love

 “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”   Unknown

Rebuilding love in your marriage takes time, wanting, willingness, desire, and the most important work. Nobody has ever told me how easy marriage is, that is because  marriage is just like your career. You have to invest your time and energy into wanting to succeed in your marriage just as you would with your job.
When teenagers fall in love, the emphasis is often on each of the partner's reactions and feelings. She loves the high she gets from knowing he desires her and thinks she is pretty. She also loves being seen at the high school football game with her special guy, knowing that there are other girls who would love to be in her shoes.
He loves what being with her does to his hormones and how manly he feels with her 5'5 frame next to his 6' 1. And he loves the way she laughs and flirts with him. Each thinks the other "hung the moon," so to speak. The falling in love stage that brings ecstatic high and delights is a very special treat. But over time, either love changes and deepens or it fades away. It's just not possible to stay in that magical falling - in - love stage forever. A deeper kind of love beckons that involves selfless giving and self-sacrifice. At this stage, the emphasis is on what you can do to help and support your partner.
Deep love helps you to see the best in your partner and to minimize their faults. It helps you to encourage them to be the best they can be and to pursue their dreams and goals. Because of your love for your spouse, you become their biggest cheerleader and fan. You want to show your love and appreciation in as many ways as you can. When you disagree, you are motivated to do everything that you can to settle your differences and restore harmony in your relationship. Even when you are upset with your spouse, you realize that your anger doesn't mean that you do not still deeply love them. The emotional tempest is temporary; your love is deep-rooted and stable.
A quote by Soren Kierkegaard beautifully captures the essence of deep love: "Perfect love means to love the one through whom one became unhappy."
Granted, this can certainly be a challenge at times, but it's an important point to understand. When your love is truly constant, then you want to be sure you don't say or do things when you're upset that will tear the fabric of your relationship. It's all too easy to act hastily on impulse and cause long-term damage. As you grow and deepen in your capacity to love, your starting place may be your spouse and any children in the marriage. But love that grows cannot be contained, and you'll find yourself reaching out to those around you in a spirit of sharing and giving. Thus love truly transforms not only the lover but also the world around you.
The conclusion is always the same: Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Expect people to be better than they are, it helps them to become better. We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

How Can I Save My Marriage? Six Crucial Secrets

 “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”  Dave Meurer

Many married couples experience serious problems in their relationships. Far too often, they are so emotionally occupied that they fail to take notice of the fact that there are effective steps to take to save their relationship and make it better and more giving than it has ever been.
Professional marriage counseling tells you that communication is everything in a relationship. This is as true as it gets. Couples who communicate well have a far greater ability to stay together over time. The importance of understanding and respecting each other should never be ignored, simply because these factors constitute the core fundamentals of both safety, mutual attraction and a healthy sex life.
Here are some of the most important advice for you to follow in order to keep you heart's chosen one, and at the same time strengthen and improve your relationship.
A good marriage is constituted by two individuals, each with his and hers own history, background, wants, dreams and needs. It is important that each of you are aware of your own preferences and at the same time are aware of and respect the fact that your partner has other views.
Many of the problems in a marriage starts when one part feels that he or she is being taken for granted and not being appreciated. Keep in mind that if you are confident with yourself and your own wants and needs, it becomes easier for you to give a lot more positive attention to your partner. Flirting, having fun and giving each other attention are true symptoms of a healthy relationship.
Many couples get stuck in those small every day issues that are not at all serious, but since they don't talk about these things, they are constantly just a few steps from being able to sort them out together. In other words, two way communication can solve many of the problems that eventually become impossible for a couple to deal with. The result is mutual irritability that again leads to inability to being constructive and talk to each other. Sometimes these kinds of silent growing conflicts can build up over many years and lead to break up and separation. At this stage, a professional marriage counselor is often needed to get out of the destructive pattern.
So why is it that some couples are living happily together through many years while others end in divorce?
Here are six important tips to save you marriage:
1. Find help when necessary
On average, established couples have been married for about six years before they seek professional help with their relationship problems. There are no reasons why two people should be living in a bad relationship over time.
2. Be polite and respectful
Research shows that couples who have the ability to control their worst outbreaks of irritability and frustrations are also the happiest ones. This does of course not mean that it is forbidden to have an argument. It simply means that it is important to be able to deal with a disagreement while maintaining a mutual polite and respectful conversation.
3. Do not use harsh words
Many times a destructive quarrel starts when one part answers a simple question in a confrontational tone. Being in a bad mood is not a good enough reason to ruin the day for both yourself and the one you love.
4. Set requirements for you partner
Happy couples often have high expectations from each other from the start. People who are able to maintain their relationship on a high quality level, are also those who have the lowest acceptance of bad behavior from their partner. A key point here is that both of you must be able to tell your partner the truth if you feel hurt by his or her words or actions.
5. Learn how to end a discussion
There are many techniques that can be used to secure that both of you keep your pride and self confidence intact after having a discussion. Both humor and mutual empathy are important ingredients when it comes to turning a potential fight into a constructive conversation. Also try to use phrases like "I understand that this is difficult for you" or "this is our problem that we must solve together."
6. Focus on the pleasant things in life
It is perhaps not surprising that the most happy couples are also those who experience a higher level of enjoyment in their relationship. Those who are enjoying each others company and having fun together, are more likely to stay together. They are able to honestly use phrases like "we have a lot of fun together" as opposed to "you are so boring".
Keep in mind that the core fundamentals of a good marriage consist of positive thoughts about both each other and your relationship as a whole.
If you have an urgent need for proven and effective relationship break up advice, visit and watch the short video at http://howdoigetmyexboyfriendback.org

How to Stay Happy in Marriage

     “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”      Lao Tzu

Marriage can be a joyful thing full of wondrous moments and intimacy but it can also be frustrating and even depressing. The funny thing is most couples experience both of these feelings at various points in their marriage and often swing back and forth between joy and hardship making it unpredictable which can also add its own stress! How to stay happy in marriage seems like something that cannot be constant and is only for Hollywood and dreams. This is an unfortunate way of thinking however.
This is because many people tie their entire view of happiness in a marriage to the spots of extreme joy when they know they are in love and everything seems perfect and the times where there are arguments and fights as times of extreme unhappiness. Now obviously when you fight with your spouse of are upset with them and their actions we feel unhappy and the obvious solution seems to be to eliminate those fights and confrontations. This is correct; however it is a simplistic view of how to stay happy in a marriage for a few reasons:
  • Avoiding confrontations often means completely giving in to your partners wishes which is unhealthy to a relationship as it is a form of lying if you do not really agree. This leads to a lack of respect in a relationship and very often low self esteem and bottled up rage and frustration.
  • The other end of the spectrum is to always be right by forcing your spouse to always be subservient. This I think does not need explanation to be seen as a terrible bullying tactic which can be violent and will of course lead to extreme resentment.
  • The middle way is to be a control freak in another way and try to change your partner on the sly so that all the things that annoy your about them are eventually eliminated. While people in relationships always change somewhat forcing someone to change their way of living is an impossible task which again will build resentment and anger.
As you can see none of these have any great appeal and perhaps you see some of yourself in these methods which is quite normal as nearly all marriages have some elements of the above points in them.
So how do you stop the arguments? How do you end the friction? How do you also keep the excitement and love? Firstly:
Friction is inevitable!
Unless you are almost exactly the same as your partner in every way there will come disagreements. There will be friction and there will be habits of your other half that annoy you no end and it will break that perfect marriage feeling at some point.
This as you can see is not unusual and while not welcomed it should be expected and as such you should be mentally and emotionally prepared for it. One trick to remaining happy in a marriage is to always remember that the bad times will go and each time a challenge to your marital happiness emerges it is a time to not lose faith and a time to work through it so that things can get back on track again.
How to Deal with the Tough Times
Getting things back on track is of course easier said than done. Issues with money, relatives, careers, children and many more can turn ugly if you do not know how to deal with them and how to deal with your spouse to come to a resolution.
The key point here is resolution. You can delay the outcome and argue it, ignore it or circumvent it but it does not go away unless a resolution is reached. This involves good communication from both partners but if you are the one trying to keep the peace and maintain a happy relationship then you need to be even more savvy with your talking skills because high emotions can make communicating and compromise difficult to achieve.
There are many ways of doing this but the core value you must learn is how to control your temper and to be the one who broaches the difficult subjects and takes charge of the conversation by not blaming, accusing or being petty in any way.
Take Charge of Your Happiness
Another element of happiness is the fact that you are in charge of your own happiness despite problems in your life. You choose to be happy and you cannot rely on anyone to make you happy. You can also not be responsible for your spouse's happiness, only your part in the equation.
For this you must be a full person where your marriage while the focal point of your life is not the entirety of your life. Friends, family, your own hobbies and so forth should be there for the mental health of yourself and your partner because a good relationship is one that is not so tightly knit that you cannot separate your own emotions from your partners and one not so loose that you lose your empathy either.
This if course is not everything your need to know on how to stay happy in marriage as there is so many nuances, tips and advice that you need to know to survive and thrive through the good times and bad that could fill many a book. In fact there are many great publications that can help you master the arts of happiness and communication in marriage that you can download off the web immediately and be reading within minutes. Click below for reviews of the best marriage guides you can download.
How to Stay Happy in Marriage

Love and Trust - The Bedrock of Successful Marriages

         “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”                                         Mignon McLaughlin

What brings people together most times are what they discover to have in common. It may be social, political, health or other features that could be attractive to them. Once people get close because of one factor or the other, attraction develops within the people. They are called friends at this stage because they share things in common, and could hold one another in confidence even on confidential issues. From this point, a bond is developed because they can hold each other in confidence in any situation. Holding each other in confidence no matter what may be is called trust.
This attribute creates the platform for an enduring relationship. Trust is believing in the other person at all times and in all situations. Trust means not doubting due to rumors but waiting to hear from your partner. Trust means suspecting that the rumor mongers are jealous of your beautiful relationship and have come to destroy. It also means not listening to any such rumors concerning your relationship. Because you trust, you can love and be loved.
Love is built over time when trust has been established. You cannot love if you cannot trust and you will only love or be loved if you can trust. In any relationship, if there is no trust, there will be chaos- cheating, quarreling, fighting, telling lies, etc. Happiness will vanish and love will die. Love means giving one's self to another without looking forward to a reward. Trust is holding firmly that your partner is always true to you in whatever circumstance. These two elements- love and trust make an enduring relationship. We should always work hard to have them as attributes of our relationships.
Failure to have true love and trust faithfully leads to fights, divorce, hatred and family separation. Sacrificing for the good of the other is what love is all about. Doing all you can to ensure that your partner is always happy is true love. Believing that there can never be another one like the man or woman you married brings about perfect love. My experience in marriage is that love is sweet and even sweeter than honey. I will always be in love with my darling wife even at a ripe old age and I am fully convinced that that is her decision for me too. Because we truly trust each other and our love know no bounds. You need to show love everywhere you are for life to get better today.
For more information on successful relationships visit:

5 Common Mistakes Guys Make With Women

 “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” — Dale Carnegie

A healthy relationship cannot start if you have trouble at the beginning. The old saying that you don't have a second chance to make a first impression is very true when it comes to getting the girl. Unfortunately, all too often the mistakes men make are actually rather small and preventable if you show a little awareness. Here are the Top 5 mistakes guys make when trying to get the girl.
1. Keep Mum About Previous Relationships: Unless you want to end your current relationship, do not under any circumstances bring up previous relationships. Even if it makes a real funny story, you should never talk about your past loves as this only interferes in the current relationship you are currently in. Bringing up past events is placing your memories above your feelings for her, so keep your lips sealed and hide all your photos of the past girlfriends.
2. Cloning: Men and women often meet at bars, clubs or other social gatherings. Yes, you can meet them at work as well. In order to attract the attention of a girl you have to set your own style. This does not mean you have to dress like a freak or wear something outlandish. Simply notice what your friends are wearing, especially the group of guys you hang out with and make a subtle change. Perhaps a small upgrade in your slacks, jacket, and shirts can help you stand out. Bottom line, you don't want to look like all your friends, so stand out a bit.
3. Bragging: While you may be proud of what you have accomplished, it's better if the girl finds that out for herself rather than having you brag about it. Bragging denotes being self absorbed which translates to "I care more about myself that you". Girls do not like playing second fiddle to guys who are obsessed with what they have done. Show a little humbleness and let her see the expensive cars and beautiful home without telling her about it first.
4. Ask, Don't Assume: One of the biggest mistakes men make is assuming what your lady wants rather than asking her. If you are getting another drink, ask if she wants one as well, don't just bring her another. If you are ordering dinner, ask her what she wants. Unless she tells you otherwise, it's always better to ask first and let her make the decisions for herself.
5. Keep Your Word: If you say you are going to do something, then do it. Reliability is one of the strengths women look for in men. It's far better to say you are NOT going to do something that might make her mad now, than saying you will and don't. Keeping your word shows honesty, commitment and demonstrates how you feel about her. Women tend to overlook a lot about men, keeping your word will help keep you in good standing.
These are five of the many mistakes guys make when trying to get the girl, so if you can follow these five tips you are well on your way to landing the girl of your dreams.

Relationship Mistakes Guys Make And Possible Solutions

 “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”
— Tennessee Williams

When you are attracted to a lady, you should not make a fool of yourself if you are not ready for a real intimate connection. Getting involved with a lady for the wrong reasons brings disappointment, pains and unrest. You should look out for the right reasons and work on these reasons to stay in love and be happy.
Dating someone because you think she will be sexually appealing is wrong. A struggle not true to you, is wrong to be part of that struggle. Sexual act does not add value to you. It takes away your self-esteem especially when you are not true to yourself. She might look dashing, all equip for a sexual connection but it is wrong reasoning to want to tangle with her.
You should not get intimate with her because of her high social class or personality. I have observed that guys from humble background often partake in this act in order to gain some influential and financial advantages.
You should work out better ways for yourself to feel useful and not rely on other's advantages. It makes people think little of you if you are always looking out to them for certain privileges.
You should stop judging your lady too often. It makes her feel invaluable, flexible and feasible to make more mistakes. Your relationship should not be feasible to mistakes. You have to encourage her to be better, improve and grow.
In a relationship, whenever you want to correct or impact, you should be watchful of your words and its influence on your audience. You should not use wrong words to correct her. It will make her feel little of herself and possibly make her feel unwanted and unappreciated. This alone could drive her away.
If you truly love her, learn from her how you could possibly transform her.
Exercising too much control over her will drive her away from you. This will cause her to hide things from you. A relationship on secrets will only produce lies and frustration. If you want to have genuine and sincere relationship, let the love affair be flexible.
Whenever you are with a lady and you do not aim to improve or motivate her into doing the things that will prosper her, you are a disadvantage to her. She will soon realize that you are a disadvantage to her and possibly flee from you.
Guys need ideas to stay in a relationship. Without the proper idea or input, your relationship with her will grow weary. You have to search for ways to nourish and keep your relationship with her before she realizes you are dull and decide to dash off from the relationship.

Why Every Woman Loves a Rose

 “What love we’ve given, we’ll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity.”
— Leo Buscaglia

It's natural for a man to question why women love roses. They easily wilt and die, then basically cost an arm and a leg. They are indeed trivial gifts... only if you don't dig deeper. The truth is, women don't judge based on physical appearances but in what is beneath the surface. A simple rose can speak to a woman's heart. It really doesn't matter if you bought it from a flower shop or merely plucked it from your backyard, as long as you are seriously genuine with your gift.
The saying "It's the thought that counts" is very much true to women. Lavish gifts are nothing if you are not sincere with what you feel. Ladies love the idea that you spent cash on something ephemeral that will generate a guaranteed smile. Don't ever think that your money is put to waste. You gave her happiness and that is something priceless.
Here's a peek at why girls love roses.
They are the reflection of her soul
Similar to roses, women are and always have been ethereal and delicate. They undergo a lot of changes in their body and one of which is childbirth. But despite these overwhelming adjustments, she is still able to conquer and blossom.
What makes a woman beautiful is her strength amidst challenges. Although filled with thorns, a rose remains to be fascinating as ever. Its thorns are actually what make it more appealing, a gem within devastation. It takes a real man to truly understand a woman. She is a complex entity that requires a patient heart.
They make her feel "special"
Roses are testimonies of love and giving them is like sharing a part of your heart. A woman has a dire need to feel appreciated. By the moment you make her feel special, she will cherish its memory forever because it's not every day that she will be able to encounter a man who knows how to love a woman.
They make everything better
Just a display of an exquisite bouquet of roses can immediately brighten a room. They give off a transient moment of bliss that serenades a woman's heart. It's like listening to a soothing song that symbolizes your affection towards her. Roses keep the romance alive. They give ladies the assurance that everything will be better because you'll always be there for her.
Even just for once in her life, a woman deserves to receive roses. She is beautiful and one of a kind. The only way to compliment her best is through an equal ethereal bloom - roses.
You can never go wrong with flowers. They are happiness wrapped in a bouquet. Florists Adelaide will help you get that right bloom to keep that smile on her face.

Traits That Make a Woman Stand Out

 “We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.”
— Joyce Meyer

With a lot of single women like you out there and most single men are already taken, the competition for single men is high. To succeed in dating, a woman should be capable of getting the attention of those single men. So what makes a woman stand out?
She's oozing with confidence. Take note, it is confidence and not arrogance because those are two different things. An arrogant person is someone who thinks she's better than anyone else. A confident woman is someone who knows her worth but still respects others. A confident woman knows her value, knows what she wants and knows how to get it. Confidence is one of the traits that makes a woman stand out.
She has her own style. She's not a copy cut but she has her own style and personality. Many women are victims of hypes and trying to look like someone who is popular so these women end up like replicas who dress alike and act alike. It is not bad to follow the trend but a woman who stands out knows herself and has her own style, a style that suits her personality. Having a style of her own makes a woman stand out. A woman who exudes her own style stands out in the midst of women who dress and act alike.
She looks at the brighter side. A woman who is not melodramatic and does not take things too seriously is admirable. Life can be full of drama and unexpected circumstances but she knows how to look at the brighter side and do not let stress and problems take the best of her. A woman who has the ability to look at the brighter side despite the harsh realities of life makes her stand out. A positive attitude makes a woman stand out.
She's fun to be with. Although she doesn't live an easy-going life, she can be spontaneous and can have an easy-going attitude once in a while. She doesn't make a big deal out of everything. She knows how to have fun and she's fun to be with.
She's good at something. What a ballerina, a woman book author or a writer, a woman who paints and showcase her works in art galleries or exhibits, an excellent cook, a woman who designs clothes, a woman who can play musical instruments and a woman who plays sports have in common? They stand out because they are skilled and good at something. Not all women who are good at something were born gifted but they are women who are passionate about something and coupled their passion with actions. You can do the same if you want to stand out. What is your passion? Are you doing something about it? Being good at something makes a woman stand out.
She can express herself and can make decisions. Many women avoid making decisions and airing their opinions because they are afraid. They leave those things to men which some men find a little burdensome. The ability to make decisions and speak her mind can make a woman stand out. She doesn't have to be forceful but when asked, she should be able to express herself and make decisions.
Her independence. She's not clingy. She's comfortable on her own and she knows how to handle her life. Although she wants a man in her life, her world doesn't revolve only around men. She has her own thing going and she's in control of her own life. She can live on her own and not needy.
To know more about dating and attracting men, visit Magnetize Men