Financial Freedom - How To Change Your Thinking And Achieve Financial Success

I have not worked a single day in the past year, but I am making more money than I ever have before in my life. If you wonder how this can be, I will tell you my story. First of all, I did not inherit any money or win a lottery. Also, I did not marry a millionaire or settle a large insurance claim. Instead, I learned the secrets behind thinking and growing rich. Once you know these secrets you will be able to make as much money as you want, doing the things you love and spending time with the people and activities you enjoy.
For many years I struggled financially. There was never enough money to do anything more than just survive. When I would receive some extra money from working a second job or getting more tax money back at the end of the year, I had to use it to catch up the bills I was already behind on. It was embarrassing to have the electric and gas companies coming to my house every two or three months to leave their notices on my door.
That all changed once my thinking changed. I learned how to use my mind to bring great things, including financial abundance into my life. I was skeptical at first, but felt that I didn't have anything to lose. I began slowly and then took off once I saw my life start to change.
I now own a beautiful home in the nicest part of my city. I belong to service organizations and volunteer for several charities. Instead of receiving help from these people, I am now one of the people in a position to help others.
I encourage you to learn more about the hidden secret behind thinking and growing rich. Once you do, your life will change forever.

Let Marriage Family Counseling Save You From a Divorce

Usually divorces do not end well; rarely is there an "easy way out." Of course, there are couples who are able to agree and move on cleanly. However, the children may have a far different view of the situation. We often underestimate the emotional and financial ravages of divorce. Most marital conflicts, except abuse, can be worked out using marriage family counselors.
Of course, in cases of abuse, conflicts may be unresolvable, but in all other cases the couple may well find help through marriage family counseling. Very often couples simply do not communicate their feelings, goals, expectations, or desires thoroughly enough. A couple can build a happy, healthy relationship by learning a few basic communication and conflict resolution skills. A professional, licensed counselor will bring rigorous study, years of formal training, impartial judgment, and experience to the table. This can really help the married couple see things in a different light. Often we experience conflict beneath the surface, so we are not even aware of what the problem is. We just have a vague feeling of unease. A good marriage therapist can help in identifying the problematic issues and resolving them. Couples are able to address problems they've encountered, achieve forgiveness, and move on from the past.
One alternative is to utilize divorce counseling. In this case, the couple sees a mental health professional instead of a lawyer. The term "divorce counseling" is a little ambiguous; it's actually about making the divorce process easier rather than trying to avoid divorce. Once a couple has tried every other alternative and decided that divorce is the only solution, divorce counseling can be very helpful in avoiding expensive and upsetting legal battles. Many times a couple will feel a great deal of resentment over issues involving children or property. Divorce assistance can help resolve these issues without these negative feelings. If a couple has experienced therapeutic assistance, they can obtain a feeling of closure. This will help them prepare to face the future. Fair agreements, child custody, visitation issues, and property division are all matters that a divorcing couple can use help with.
Divorces hurt couples, but they also impact the kids as well. After a divorce, children may come to believe their future relationships will also not work out. If we carry around negative emotions and fears, they will continue to pop up and sabotage one relationship after another. For this reason, it is wise to give family marriage counseling a try rather than move ahead to drastic measures. Marriage counseling will give you a chance to think twice about your situation. It might save you a lifetime of regret.
Issues like adultery, abandonment, and abuse are good reasons for divorce. Counseling can help couples with issues like finances, intimacy, and boredom. A relationship is usually considered a personal matter; however, the opinion of an impartial third party can sometimes be very helpful in finding and unraveling conflicts. There are specific methods for expressing discontent and solving problems. A licensed counselor can help a couple learn these methods and set them on the road to building a healthy relationship.

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Keys in Resolving Marital Conflicts

No marriage is perfect. Humans are not perfect. And the fact that imperfection exists makes arguments and conflicts a reality in marriage.
You may have heard and read so many tips on how to resolve conflicts in marriage. But what you should know is that there's no perfect formula applicable to all married couples. Each couple is unique just as each individual has his own unique personality.
No matter how much couples try to keep their marriage smooth sailing, conflicts can crop up along the way. However, this alone should not be cause for your love to fade. It's natural that misunderstandings and arguments can occur due to differences in opinions and beliefs. What matters most is how you two are able to handle the situation and find ways to resolve your issues.
The advice of some people to solve issues that may come up during the day before you call it a night may not actually be right. Do understand that emotions can be high after a conflict and for others, it can take more than a day before they can cool down and let the issue pass. The most important thing to do then is to give each other space to cool your heads off before making up. If your spouse is not speaking to you, let it be that way for a while.
Wives tend to be more skillful when it comes to determining whether their husbands are ready to solve the problem. They can stretch their patience if necessary for the benefit of settling the issue and to regain the peace in their homes. But of course, there are also husbands who can be very understanding of their wives and their personalities.
If you love your spouse, there's no way that you should let conflicts affect your marital bond. Acceptance of each other's flaws and unique personality is vital. Being anxious is a natural emotion when in this situation but learn to get the courage to settle problems in a calm manner as much as possible.
No conflicts can be settled with each of you raising your voices. To effectively communicate your message, talk things out in a calm voice making sure that you give each other time to speak what's on your mind. Listening is crucial as well because this gives you the opportunity to hear out what your partner feels and wants to accomplish.
Conflicts in marriage can come from different aspects. It can be about money, your child or children, your home, in-laws, business or attitude. Most often, money is the root of all issues between married couples. This can really be devastating especially in situations when one spouse loses a job or suffers from disability that will prevent him or her from working.
Minor problems when not solved right away can also get bloated eventually leading to more serious conflicts. The right attitude is to never ignore them but instead try to find a way to correct them. Self-assessment can be very helpful as well.
Keep in mind that your love for your spouse should be a major reason to keep your marriage in good shape. No conflicts can break your tie if you love and trust each other.

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The Right Way to Resolve Marital Conflict

Most people go into a marriage with pre-set idealized notions of what the 'ideal marriage' is; but once reality sets in, conflict may arise on different levels and the result may be a war-zone for some. According to a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, every couple has some conflict. But ironically the problem is not conflict, but how couples resolve marital conflicts in their marriage which is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship.
In a research at the University of Washington identified what calls the 'cascade toward marital dissolution.' First, couples who are unhappy often become very critical of each other. Later, when couples proceed further down the path toward real trouble, they may add contempt. They may throw in name-calling, eye-rolling, sneering, mockery, and hostile humor. Add to this mix, defensiveness and stonewalling. Then a couple is really in trouble when they start leading parallel lives and loneliness sets in. Couples with high levels of marital distress fight frequently and their fights don't lead to resolution, but rather leave the couple feeling tired.
Most couples point out to deal with conflict in a positive way, but there is no one, single, right way to go about conflict resolution. Some couples agree to disagree; others diffuse conflict with humor. Some avoid it like the plague and act as if it doesn't exist. The key is that they are in agreement to avoid all arguments. This method fails miserably when one person wants to avoid and the other wants to confront. "Marriage counseling with couples in conflict can be a daunting task, yet there are two basic things to do with couples; to identify patterns of behavior that are not working and disrupt them and to identify patterns that either are working or once were working and strengthen them,
Acknowledge the problem exists, be honest with yourself. Begin by asking yourself what problems you and your spouse are encountering. You should be able to identify what difficulties need to be resolved and what you wish to accomplish. Share your thoughts and feelings, and request your spouse to share his/hers.
Remember the positives. Many couples neglect the wonderful things which were there at the beginning of their marriage, or even prior to their marriage.
Placing some focus on these things is a great way to save a marriage.
Time is of the essence. Nowadays we often hear about "quality time". However, in many cases, it means trying to squeeze as much as possible into a small amount of time allocated for it. The prescheduled quality time is simply not enough. Granting your spouse your undivided attention is the factor which will help this very important person to realize that he/she still takes center-stage in your life.
Being able to recognize that no two people can reasonably be expected to agree on everything is another way to save a marriage. The differences come about from a person's background and upbringing. This can basically be resolved by compromise or by "agreeing to disagree".
Creating boundaries. The happiest marriage is one where clear boundaries exist and are consistently respected by both spouses and those around them. There are a numbers of boundaries which are essential for a healthy and happy marriage.

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How to Reduce Stress Over Load In Your Marriage

How many times have you ended a stressful day by trying to help your partner with chores only to find that they don't even notice, and that if they do, they ignore it? Doesn't it stress you out even more? Don't you find that you start to get angry, and that your good intentions became a bitter taste in the mouth?
That's exactly what happened to twenty-nine year old Physical Therapy Assistant Mara when she came home from a stressful day fighting traffic as she went from one snappy uncooperative patient's home to another. Yet she found herself wanting to prove that she was a good wife, so she did all the dishes that had piled up since breakfast that morning, and ironed a fresh shirt for thirty-three year old media executive Dominic to wear the following day. She usually enjoyed doing little things for her partner. It made her feel more committed and closer to him. But not today.
Mara couldn't stand the overwhelming stress load and became just like one of her irritable patients, sniping at Dominic who was going about his evening as usual. He was oblivious to Mara's sacrifice on his behalf let alone her intentions of trying to prove loyalty and commitment. She did these little chores for him on a regular basis, so what was so different about tonight? He hadn't asked her to do him any favors so why should he go out of his way to acknowledge or thank her? He didn't feel more loved or cared for when she made these sacrifices for him, and it certainly didn't increase his level of commitment to the relationship. In fact it did the opposite. It made him feel unduly pressured to be grateful for something he didn't want. It was unbearably suffocating, making him want to escape.
Mara's stress boiled over into anger and resentment when he didn't catch the spill and help mop up the mess. So they ended their day holding onto bad feelings. Negative feeling brought stress to David that he didn't have before, and escalated the already toxic levels of stress that Mara had accumulated. The adrenaline in both their bodies prevented them from sleeping that night, and they got up tired, grumpy and disunited.
A few more nights like this brought them to couples therapy.
In my work as a therapist I often come across couples who split chores and feel put upon when one partner doesn't do their share. I am always amazed at the reaction I get when I suggest team work. It's as if I have said something unmentionable. Yet team work creates a sense of togetherness and evens out the stress load. But couples seem to prefer to divide their labor and get upset at having to share!
Now there is strong research evidence to show that team work is essential when one partner is stressed. The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2013, reports that trying to prove commitment by doing your partner's chores on days when you are stressed has a negative impact on the relationship. The researchers found that when couples join forces and do jobs together they prevent a buildup of stress and cement deeper bonds of commitment. Compartmentalizing different aspects of life together had a negative effect on the overall health of the relationship because the chances of stress overload were higher.
It took a lot of deliberation before Mara and Dominic agreed to give team work a try. At first they argued about what was fair, and whether one or other would take advantage or pay lip service to the notion of joint working on chores. There was a lot of heated debate about gender roles and the distinctions between breadwinners and home makers. Mostly there was a lot of difficulty trusting in a true partnership of sharing.
After working on the insecurities related to equality and shared trust for several months, Mara and Dominic eventually agreed to team up on Friday nights and Saturday mornings to do fold laundry and do grocery shopping together since they felt most stressed at the end of the working week. They made the effort for a couple of weeks and found that they developed a greater intimacy. Preconceived notions of one another and of life as a couple began to melt away. They had more time together, and more energy to enjoy each other.
Chores became less about having to work to prove loyalty and commitment, and more about taking care of themselves as a couple. You could say that graduating to team work helped mature and consolidate their marriage.

How to Save Your Marriage - Tips to Save Your Marriage

If your marriage is in danger of falling apart, you should be doing whatever you can to find and understand the exact reasons why. Making and harsh decisions, or jumping conclusions can be both embarrassing and hurtful.
It doesn't matter who is at fault at this point, if you are a woman or a man, or who pays the bills.. You need to take control and try as hard as you can to solve the problems in your relationship. One you understand what is going on, it will be much easier to get a handle on things. Most of them time, things are not as bad as they seem.
If you sense that your marriage is in trouble, try not to smother your spouse with stress or any desperation that you are feeling. It will make your partner feel trapped and they will only push you away. Try to always control your emotions and as hard as it may be, keep your calm.
Never beg. Just show how passionate your are about your marriage. This will bring down the barriers and open the lines of communication. One thing to keep in mind, give your partner some space. A little space goes a long way, and will make things easier to deal with. Focus your time on doing things that make you feel good, and spend some time with friends. This will increase your self esteem, which will make you more attractive your your spouse.
Never forget that one of the main vows in marriage is to support each other through the good times and the bad. It is easy to give up when things go bad, but it is worth the effort to fix the problem in your marriage. Love is the glue that is necessary to hold the marriage together. Express your love every day, even if you are in the middle of a disagreement.
Make your spouse the first priority in your life. For example, if you are meeting some friends but notice your spouse needs some attention, then cancel your plans with your friends. This will show your spouse that you care.
Discover these simple, yet proven methods to save your marriage at []

How To Save Your Marriage: There Is No Winner Or Loser

The best time to worry about how to save your marriage is before you feel you have to start worrying about it. But you know what they say about hindsight being twenty-twenty and nobody can predict the future. Life is a series of ups and downs but if you're really concerned about saving your marriage then maybe this advice will help.
There is no winning or losing
In a marriage there is no winning or losing when you have a disagreement. Think about it. When you feel like you 'won' the argument, what did you really win? There's no prize or trophy for coming out on top. In fact, there should be no 'top'. You're a couple, a partnership, and you should always be on equal footing.
Most disagreements aren't really about who did the dishes last night or whose turn it is to take out the garbage. Most disagreements are about feelings and you can never change the way someone feels. If they feel hurt then you can't change the way someone feels just by telling them they're wrong.
Learn how to listen to each other
One of the hardest things to do during the heat of an argument is listen to your partner, listen to what they're really saying and how they're saying it. You're angry, you're frustrated, you're hurt, and all you can think of is what you want to say next. You're both standing there shouting but you're not hearing each other.
One reason couples don't listen to each other is because they both feel they'll be 'losing' the argument if they don't speak their mind. But that's not the case at all. It's not about winning or losing or defending your position. It's about respecting your partner enough to listen to what they have to say.
Learn to speak without hurting each other
You've probably noticed that as your argument becomes more heated the words you say become more hurtful. Remember, you're not out to win something. All you're really trying to do is come to some kind of agreement - a compromise. If you keep in mind that there is no win or lose then you can stay calm during your discussion. But it's when you lose your temper and start trying to 'win' that all those hurtful words start pouring out.
It sounds trite to tell you that all you really need to do is treat your partner with the same caring and consideration that you'd like to be treated with, but it's true. Acknowledge the you each have feelings and that those feelings are neither right or wrong - they're feelings, and they hurt sometimes. Stop trying to win the argument and you won't have to worry about how to save your marriage.
Worried about how to save your marriage []? Don't. You'll find plenty of advice at How To Save Marriage [].

How To Save Your Marriage With A Stubborn Partner

When you also have a stubborn partner, it's important that you stay patient and try to communicate with them efficiently. It's only normal that two people have different ideas, beliefs, values and behaviors, but married couples should understand that they can overcome this obstacle.
It may be frustrating for a person to live with a stubborn partner every day for the rest of their lives that's why you should know how to save your marriage as soon as possible. If you're also in this situation right now, here are some strategies that you can use. Although it may prove to be difficult, at the end of the day, you'll realize that you're getting fruitful results.
1. If you can't beat them, join them. If your partner continually stresses you out with the things that you argue with, try to release all those frustrations aside. Instead, try to find things that are common to you both. During your arguments, breathe deeply, find a new perspective and try to communicate with them again.
2. Understand your partner. There are times that you and your partner will have different thoughts and ideas on a certain topic, sometimes, you would just have to understand the perspective of your partner because they may be right.
3. Share your feelings using the "I" perspective. One of the key solutions to save your marriage is to open and share your feelings using the "I" perspective. You can do this by not pointing fingers and fuelling the fire, but rather, you should give any hint of blame to them.
4. Attacking or blaming your partner during arguments will never be good that is why you should never do it. When communicating with your partner, you should ensure that you do this in a calm way. This way you can create a mood that would give away easy understanding and openness with each other.
5. Always listen to their feelings and thought. When your partner starts to open their own feelings, make sure that you listen carefully and not disturb them. You can ask questions if something is not clear to you, but do this in a calm way.
These are just some of the ways on how to save your marriage when you have a stubborn partner. Just remember to be always calm and listen to your partner. When you're going to argue, if you think you're right, do not overreact and communicate efficiently.
It is necessary to understand the different ways on how you can save your relationship with your loved ones. If you're also in a situation wherein your patience is slowly slipping away because you have a stubborn partner, you can check out to know more information.

How To Save Your Marriage By Working On Yourself

Marriage is a team work; we are all aware of that. Imagine if one of the major players of a team starts slacking down and not putting their best into it, the answer is that it will affect the performance of the whole team. Even if a player in a game is born with skill, they still have to be updated and frequently practice to make sure they perform well. Marriage is similar to a team sport, and you have to be working on your skills to ensure in order not to worry about how to save your marriage after a few years.
It is the human nature to find someone else to blame for anything wrong that happens. Therefore, when things are tough on your marriage, you will instantly try to put the blame on your spouse. Have you ever stopped to think what you may be doing wrong? Or is it merely a whole lot of arguing and putting the blame on the other person? If it is the latter, then this article is for you. Sometimes the answer to the question how to save my marriage is right within you.
To begin with, you need to clarify what it exactly that bothers you about the marriage. Ask yourself the question and try to get a detailed answer for it. Is it your partner or is it about your own insecurities? See how you respond when your partner presents a problem that they have about you. Do you usually discuss in a rational conversation, or scream at each other all the time? The need to always win is a way of blocking out the sense of rationality in mind. Therefore, one of the first tips on how to save your marriage is to ensure that you have tackled your own demons first. Grow as a person, learn to listen more and act as a person with a reason when there is something you need to speak with your spouse. You will be amazed at how much progress it brings.
After you have understood where you stand in life, and realize your self-worth, then you can make your way into making positive changes in your marriage. If you always waited for your spouse to take you out for dinner, take the matters on to your own hands and reserve a dinner table for two in a nice restaurant. Imagine how it was when you first fell in love with them and freshen up those feelings. You will soon see how your relationship flourishes and blooms again.
Marriage is not the easiest relationship to save, but with the right approach, you can save much pain and heartbreak. When you feel that your marriage is failing, sometimes the best thing to do is to change the perspective on things and start working on your self-development, which will eventually affect your relationship positively. For a comprehensive and well-detailed approach to saving your marriage by working on yourself, download the eBook at

How To Save Your Marriage By Better Communication

Do you ever feel that the good energy and happiness in your marriage life is fading off? The feeling of mutual love towards each other is not as strong anymore? Are you constantly wondering about the ways and the answers to the question "how to save my marriage"? It might come as a surprise to you that many problems in marriage arise due to the simple issue of lacking good communication skills between the spouses.
A few remedies and a change of habits will be able to save your marriage and a lot of heartbreak and pain. One of the most common communication problems between spouses is trying to communicate when the other person is not ready physically or emotionally to hear what you need to say. This can be as simple as letting them take some time to relax after getting home from work before you tell them a problem. It means that you should always make sure they are emotionally ready to face or understand the problem that you are telling them.
According to many men, even when they are ready to listen to a particular concern of their spouse, the complaining or "nagging" nature of the tone puts them off rather than the problem. During this time in which you are questioning how to fix your marriage, it is natural to sound concerned and have a complaining tone in times when you talk. However, despite the gender, it is always better to make conversations clear and to the point instead of adding snide remarks, sarcasm, and unpleasantness to the conversation. Even when you are hurting or feeling pained because of an action by your spouse, questioning them clearly about it will always get you better results than a long hurtful rant.
Try to add more positivity and compliments when you are communicating. We always overlook the power of a simple small compliment. Most couples state that after some time into a marriage, compliments do not need to be there to understand what you feel for each other, but that is where you go wrong. Humans are emotional beings, and we crave for affection from which we care and love the most. An easy tip on how to save your marriage would be to add a few more compliments to your daily conversations and see how drastically your relationship grows positively.
Another important aspect in your marriage is exchanging your ideas. Since your spouse is your partner in life in everything you do, it is important that they are comfortable with the decisions that you make, and that they are ready to cheer you on as you attend the. Your spouse is your critic and cheerleader simultaneously, but the problem comes when the critic overpowers the cheerleader. It could be their personal achievements such as fighting an addiction or excelling in the career, support them throughout but letting them know what you sincerely feel about their progress and fall-backs.
Taking responsibility for what you say matters immensely in a relationship. Even as you work on how to fix your marriage, there might be times you argue. If you tell unforgivable things in an argument, you cannot blame it on your anger. Even if you are in an uncontrollable state, you are still responsible for what you say and do. Make your apologies genuine and truly put an effort to work on making things for the better. Remember the reasons that you fell in love with your spouse, and talk to them in the way you did when you first declared your love, and your marriage will be saved.
Proper communication can save many misunderstandings that you have in life which makes it difficult to be in peace with some other person - including marriage. Communicating will also reduce any harmful assumptions as well. Read our eBook to get a better insight on how to save your marriage by better communication practices:

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