Should I Wait Until Marriage?

Every day we make decisions which ultimately determines our destiny in this thing called life. These choices carry varied results and some of these results can be very, very costly. Among these various decisions which we are faced with is the choice to live a moral life, or to live as we feel, or see others live. Living by how we feel results in a life filled with its ups and down, for feelings are up and down and in and out. Emotions are like the waves of the sea. To live by them is to experience much regret and misery. Then again, to live like the crowd, while looking normal, will result in error, deception, unnecessary frustration and much depression. Why? Because most people live by their emotions and by the opinions of others, who live by their emotions, So, if you are depending upon your feelings to live a highly moral life, you will be disappointed.
Developing good and godly standards is vital to living a truly prosperous life. Permit me to hastily say that true prosperity does not just refer to money, although riches are included. True prosperity covers every area or our lives, spiritually, mentally, physically, socially and financially.
And in order to experience the life as God intended that we do, we must ensure that we live by the standards His Word, the Bible has set. Our decisions must be based upon God's Word, and not upon our wavering emotions. If His Word says that we should not engage in sexual activity before marriage, then we should make it a settled matter that we will refrain. I know, it is not the popular thing to do these days. And this is probably why we are experiencing much of the troubles, unwanted pregnancies, misery, abortion murders, and sexually transmitted diseases, some resulting in death, that is prevalent today.
Marriage is honorable and then the bed undefiled. Outside of marriage, the bed is defiled, dangerous, immoral and can prove deadly. To make a decision to remain chaste and keep yourself until marriage will prove to be the right decision, for it is the right choice.
I know you may be thinking that I am being out-dated and out of style, old-fashioned perhaps. However, remember that right is always right and wrong is always wrong, regardless of the times we live in. Sex outside of marriage, according to the Bible was wrong then, and is wrong now. It will never be right.
Seeing that the Holy Bible is the standard that we should live by, and remembering that it has been proven true in all generations and through every season, if we will adhere to its wisdom, we shall indeed profit.

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Make Him FEEL Your Love Deeply - 3 Top Tips!

Would you like to make him FEEL your love deeply? Do you sometimes feel like you do a lot for your man but you aren't getting your message across adequately of how much you love him? Does your love run very deep and you would like to show him the full extent? Yes, there are ways in which he will immediately get the depth of your feelings. And when he does, he will want to show you his depth right back! So you will have created something very,very nice indeed! Here's how:
Top Tip #1: Go easy! Huh? Now you are shocked, thinking that the idea is to show him the depth of your love and how can you do it if you go easy?! Whoa girl, slow down! If you rush, you could finish up all the pleasure and actually turn him off. It has been proven time and again that a slow burn is what yields the best results while rushing creates a crash. Yes, you are so eager to let him know, but if you make him wait, the depth will be revealed way better. He will get the message from you that he is worth it and this relationship is for the long haul. You will keep him wanting more.
Top Tip #2: Make your overtures subtle, yet powerful. Don't go for the tried and true Hallmark cards and love songs. How about doing something different that no-one has even done for him before? Here is where you allow your imagination to run wild. The key: it should not be too elaborate or expensive or it will put pressure on him and you. Where's the fun if you are resentful?
Top Tip #3: Take your cues from him. What kind of person is he? Is he quite articulate or is he quiet? Is he demonstrative or reticent? You know him well, so plan your gestures according to that. This will really get him as he will see how much you care for him. He will love the feeling of closeness and being understood.
There you go, dearest, the top tips for how to make him feel your love deeply. Wouldn't you like to learn more about this amazing subject of love and bring your skills to a mind-blowing level? Then, please, take a couple more minutes and click here now: you will be glad you did! More love is a mere click away! May you be blest!
To read more about how to make a man love you, click Signs He Wants You. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.

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10 Top Tips to Make Her Feel Special

It's quite easy to get caught in a rut in a relationship; you've been dating for a few months, got to know each other pretty well, and have become 'comfortable'. Now, there's nothing wrong with reaching this stage, and, indeed, it's a fallacy to think you'll be in that 'honeymoon' phase forever, but the problem comes when you get stuck in this zone; when you start taking each other for granted. In this little guide we'll look at the ways you can avoid this trap, by making that special woman in your life feel, well...special!
1. Compliment her. I can't stress the importance of this enough, it's absolutely vital. Everyone loves a compliment, and it's such an easy thing to do that I don't understand why they're not given more often. Of course, if you were saying 'you look beautiful' every second of the day, then they would become meaningless, but I'm talking about complimenting around three times a day. Mention that her hair looks amazing as she's brushing it in the morning, say how sexy she looks in her work skirt.
2. Upload photos of her to Facebook, and create a 'My Gorgeous Girl' folder. She may say she's embarrassed, but she'll actually love the fact that you're showing her off - it's a very powerful way to show how highly you think of her.
3. Hold her hand. Yes, massively simple, yet hugely effective. You'd be surprised at how many couples walk along more like friends, rather than lovers. The simple gesture of taking her hand shows that you want the world to see you're together; that you're proud to be seen with her.
4. Kiss in public. Perhaps not for everyone, this tip, as some women don't like public displays of affection - but I'd say that the vast majority do. If you can reach across and plant a small kiss on her cheek during the walk in the park, or a gentle touching of the lips on the bus, then you're at once making her feel totally special - telling everyone 'this girl is amazing, and I can't help myself'.
5. Talk to your friends about her, and let her know you do. Casually drop into conversations how you were talking about her to your friend at work - the fact that you deem her so important as to be talking about her when she's not even there, will make her feel special.
6. Stand up for her. And I don't mean in the physical sense, as I take it for granted that you would defend her with your life - I mean in those times when she's being self-deprecating or modest. For instance, if she's saying to a friend how she - your beloved, not the friend - can't sing very well, interject and say she's actually a brilliant singer. If she's having a blue day and telling you how she sucks at playing the violin, tell her she's fantastic at it.
7. Surprise her. People generally only go to the effort of surprising someone if they think they're special, so this is a sure fire way to making her feel great. You can surprise her in a number of ways: whisk her away to a romantic hotel, buy her some unusual gifts, or write her a poem.
8. Don't let her do all the chores. It's a classic, but if she's the only one cleaning the toilet, then she's not going to feel very special. Try and split the chores between you, or, at the very least, offer to help out once in a while. Not only will she appreciate the gesture, but she'll also feel that you're recognising and appreciating her hard work.
9. Carry a photo of her in your wallet. You should be doing this already if you're really into her, and it's a powerful way to show her you care. For the more tech-savvy, having a photo of her as your mobile phone wallpaper is just as effective.
10. Consider her at all times. If your colleagues have invited you for a few beers after work, don't just say 'yes', call her first and talk to her about it. You don't have to be asking for her 'permission', you're just being considerate enough to ask if she has any plans already made for the both of you, or saying how you're going to be late home. These small things show that you don't take her for granted.
This article was written by Alan Law, from - where you can have a unique song written and recorded by your choice of singer-songwriter. Find out more about our unusual gifts for women on the website

How to Show Somebody You Love Them - 5 Ideas to Say I Love You

If you're trying to convince someone you love, that you love them, you must have really messed up or the object of your affection is not convinced or simply not attracted to you. Stop trying to prove it and simply show it; If the object of your affection shows an interest in you, let the natural progression of the relationship take place. You can read these five ideas and they could prove helpful, but nothing can substitute the natural attraction or affection that you have for another, that causes them to realize and know that you love and care for them. Lets lay some ground work first and understand some basics
  • Having sex has nothing to do with showing someone you love them.
  • Showering a person with gifts, is not it either, but the receiver might get use to this and substitute it for love.
  • Love has no motives. It's not something you say or do to get what you want.
  • Love will not impose.
Now that we've established some basics, lets fast forward to some ways that you can show someone you love them and then say it.
Show patience. patience seems to be a thing of the past with many looking for love. You can not rush a response from the object of your desire. If someone needs the time to sort out feelings, love will wait and graciously grant time and space with no limitations or demands attached. Loving someone is easy when you know and understand them.
Accept them for who they are. When you love someone, changing them to conform to you, is not the way to show it. Focus on what attracted you to them, if the attraction was physical, you should ask yourself "what if they did not have this feature" Would I still love or want them? If your answer in no, maybe what your feeling is lust and not love. If you can not accept the object of your affection for who they are, re-examine your intentions.
If they need to vent, listen and don't judge or criticize. Everybody needs a listening ear from time to time. The cold cruel world can really weight you down with stress and drama. The object of your affection should be able to freely talk and express whats on their mind without being sharply criticized and judged. Remember we're talking about showing that you love someone not proving it.
Sometimes you have to tell the object of your affection something they don't want to hear, and love will find the right words to say. It's not about being right or wrong and it's not about winning or losing. Love will find the right words to say without being harsh and condescending.
When you show your love to the object of your affection, expressing it verbally will be readily received as honest, sincere and true, why? You have already demonstrated your love by your actions and your words match what you've done all along. With that being said, rather than saying I love you, you show it, consistently and daily.
In my opinion too many people get caught up in wanting to hear the words everyday and the actions are inconsistent with the words I Love You. Say it with actions and you can always take a moment, look at your love (wait until you have their attention) pause for effect and say... "Wow, I Love You".
Doing things outside of the norm will make the one you love feel special when it comes to saying I Love you. Like what?
  1. Write it in a letter and send it marked "URGENT!" and mail it to her.
  2. If she likes stuffed teddy bears, leave one in a special place for her to find. Get a teddy bear that says "I Love You", leave it in the car, in her closet, on the night stand to see when she wakes up.
  3. You could show up at work with lunch, have the receptionist call her to the lobby, when your love comes out, you can say "I bought your favorite for lunch". Inside can be a note that says: " I was thinking about you, I just wanted to see your smile. I Love You"
  4. Call her on the phone and tell her!
  5. Use some technology, email her, text her, send her a "I Love You" video.
What are you waiting for, go show it and then you can say it.

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How to Tell If Someone Loves You - Understanding Love and Lust

Sometimes in a relationship it can be hard to tell if someone loves you if you are not sure what it means to truly be loved. For some,"loving someone" is a term that is taken very lightly. Just because someone says they love you, or do things often for you, or have intercourse with you doesn't always mean love is present. How to tell if someone loves you is about knowing the difference between Love and Lust. Both of these emotions are strong yearning desires, but with major differences that can be felt and seen by the receiver.
Love and Lust are so closely related that they are often mistaken for one another. Some folks that are in lust think they are in love. In this type relationship, you'll find there is a lot of putting down of the other person, there is little understanding of the other person, there's impatience when it comes to the other person, and a lot of problems with outside relationships. Really, the only time you feel "love" is during an intimate moment together.
When a person truly loves you, it's obvious. You can tell in word and deed that you are loved. As the receiver of love you have no doubts. You'll find in this type of relationship, there is no putting down of the other person, there is understanding and patience, and outside relationships are non-existent. You feel love beyond intimate moments together.
If you find yourself wondering if your mate loves you, then you should take a closer look at the characteristics of Love and Lust, so you can determine if your mate loves you or not. Once you understand the differences, figuring out how your mate feels about you will not be difficult.
Stop wondering and find out the truth about how your mate really feels. Take a look at the differences between Love and Lust so you can understand, How to tell if someone loves you. You'll be amazingly surprised to find out the truth for yourself here: Love and Lust.

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What's With Romantic Love and Marriage?

Many young people you see these days have read a lot of romantic fantasy books espousing romantic love and marriage. The usual plot is that before you settle down with Mr right you first have to fall in love with him. They have this unreal perception about love, relationships and marriage. Hollywood has not helped matters either. There are such notions as love at first sight and falling in love before getting into a relationship. May I say this that it is not necessary to wait till you "love" the man before you get married.
In fact it is better for you if you are looking for marriage to enter a relationship with a clear head, knowing exactly what you want rather than having your emotions overwhelm your reasoning in the name of being head over heels in love. One is bound to make costly mistakes under such conditions. If a man that has the right qualities and compatibility comes around, don't wait to have a special feeling before you say yes to his marriage proposal. The truth is as you spend time together in your marriage you will grow to love him. So this is the right pattern- Choose right then fall in love with the right choice. It is popular to fall in "love" with the guy first and hope he turns out right.
This second option has being the ruin of many a woman. What many refer to as love is in reality lust. A perfect test to use in checking if it is love or lust is the "giving" test. If it is love it always gives and the giving is unconditional. Whereas if it is lust it is usually selfish seeking to take or get from the other partner. For many "I love you" means "I desire to control and manipulate you and have you to satisfy my sexual craving!"
The characters of the romantic novels are not real human beings. They are merely the creation of the fantasies of the writers. You live in the real world, so get real! The hot passionate love that comes at first may not really last more than the first few years of marriage. If you are sincerely looking for marriage, you need more than feelings to get you through married life, you need clear headed thinking and a strong commitment. Many folks who have stayed married for several years will tell you that the hot passionate love of youthful days never really last long. The foundation of much of this is the physical looks which eventually fade with time. When outward beauty fades what then happens to such a relationship that was built on love based on physical attraction?
Let me illustrate: Mary Anne(true name with-held) wanted to quit dating altogether. She was 40 when I met her and had been dating continuously since she was 16 -- and she was sick to death of the dating scene. Hers is a story of a futile search for the perfect love. In the last 21 years, she'd had only three boyfriends that lasted more than a year, and the rest lasted only a few weeks to a few months apiece. She was so depressed because all her friends had already gotten married and she was the only one who remained single. When she opened up I realized that she went out of her way to make the guys she dated to fall in hot romantic love with her in the hope that it would turn out into marriage. She ended up in bed with quite a few but they disappeared as soon as they went to bed with her! Though she maintained the attitude that there was something wrong with all men in general -- deep inside, she felt there was something wrong with her. On pointing out the difference between love and lust and the fact that she can get married without going into sensual relationships she has turned out the better for it. Today, she is now happily married. Am I advocating marriage without love? No what I am advocating is love nurtured through marriage.
Do you know how to attract your soul mate? Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship? Relationship Coach Adekunle Kolawole can assist you with more helpful information leading to your success and advise you with all you need to attract and sustain long-term, healthy relationships. Please visit []

Why Does Love Disappear After Marriage?

Most couples find their intensity of love greatly diminished after marriage. It is really surprising that people who cannot live without each other before marriage, find themselves so trapped in marriage that they seek divorce and then try to marry another person. Even when they do not seek divorce they engage in extramarital relationships where they try to search love in another person. If they control all types of extramarital relationship due to social pressures, they still cannot live with their spouse in harmony as they find that the spark of love has disappeared from their lives.
Where does love go after marriage? Is it due to the wrong selection of the beloved that one has to finally part ways or there are some greater mysteries behind the loss of love? The increasing rates of divorces, the increasing number of live-in relationships and the increasing number of the birth of children outside wedlock are ample evidences that people have already started avoiding marriages. Some people have started believing that marriage is an outdated institution and that living with each other without marriage is better for the relationship than getting married.
Why Marriages Fail?
It is really surprising why marriages are failing despite the fact that most marriages are voluntary and the couples are now getting married only if they love each other. They often spend many years together to test their compatibility with each other before getting formally married.
It is therefore, important to understand love before understanding why love is diminished after marriage.
Love between two individual means that both people extend their personalities and become one with each other. It is like union of two or more atoms to make a molecule. For example, when two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen combine with each other, they make a molecule of water which is totally different from either hydrogen or oxygen. Thus love is different than all other types of relationship as the lovers become one and instead of maintaining their individuality, lose their identity. They become complimentary to each other as they become one and often they perform different roles in their lives so as to complement each other.
Thus the bond of love brings two people together and makes them one.
Transmutation of Love
It is difficult to define love as love has many manifestations. People may perceive love as lust, affection, respect, friendship, worship, trust, compassion etc. For example, couples may come close to each other as friend and they gradually find each other physically attractive (lust). In many case like arranged marriages, the relationship first start with physical (lust) and gradually it get converted into friendship and other forms of love. However, soon all loving relationship transforms so as to complete all forms of love like affection, compassion, respect etc. You can easily notice that the people who remains married for long period become extremely dependent on each other and all forms of love are present in their relationship. They develop affection for each other which is the purest form of love existing between mother and child. They respect each other and develop faith on each other. The long married couples gradually become so much dependent on each other due to their completeness of love, that they do not need any other person to complete their relationship. They are best of friends and they take care of each other best. That is why the spouses are also called half-self as without them a person feels incomplete.
However, some people get worried due to the transformation of their love because they do not want their love to be transformed. Often men do not find their wives as physically appealing as the lust is transformed to other forms of love. They may find other woman more attractive since other forms of love are absent in purely physical attractions.
Discover Your Love
In order to live happily and lovingly in our life, we have to understand the true love which is much more than physical or emotional. Love is continuously transforming in every relationship till it acquires the completeness. Physical attraction may be a design of nature to bring the people of opposite sex together. Yet once the couple become physically satisfied, it is time for love to get transformed and bring more colours into their love. If you can understand this design of love, you can only wait for love to get more mature and bring more love into your lives.
Life is a mystery which can not be explained either by science or by scriptures. Truth has a body and a soul which we call science and religion. Contrary to popular perception, they are not opposed to each other but complement each other like body and soul. In fact, they can not exist without each other.

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Love Languages: Decode What Makes Your Spouse Feel Loved

Each relationship is as unique as a fingerprint. And so is each person's love language - the specific ways a person feels love and cared for. Go beyond the typical flowers and chocolate, and discover the actual gestures that convey to your sweetie your love for him or her. This article will give you some concrete ways to determine you and your spouse's love language so you can keep the flames of passion burning year round!
What's Your Love Language?
Special anniversaries and holidays shine a spotlight on our love relationship, and is the time we often make gestures of love and appreciation. However, long-lasting love is not about one day of gestures. Real life romance is fueled by the small daily gestures that have you feel cared for and connected to one another.
In his book, "The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate," Gary Chapman identifies 5 general categories of expressing and experiencing love. The "Five Love Languages" are:
  1. Acts of Service - doing things that serve your spouse, helping them through an activity.
  2. Physical Intimacy - touch, affection, sexual expression.
  3. Words of Affirmation - using words that build up your spouse through encouragement and appreciation.
  4. Gifts - receiving items that indicate someone cares and is thinking about you.
  5. Quality Time - spending time together in which your primary focus is on each other, enjoying each other.
Odds are that in the beginning of your relationship you touched on all the love languages - you couldn't keep your hands off each other, you told your sweetie how great he or she was, wrote emails and little love notes, you counted the days until you'd see each other again, you bought little thoughtful gifts, and you did your best to be of help in some way.
Now that your relationship has progressed, you're most likely to express your love in the way that makes YOU feel the most loved and cared for - which is like trying to speak Russian to the locals when you're in China! The important thing to remember is to communicate your love in the language that your partner speaks.
Most people think, "If you loved me, you'd spend more time with me."(or "take out the trash, make me dinner, hug and kiss me, buy me flowers," etc). "You should know -- I shouldn't have to tell you!" But with love languages that's exactly what you need to do - speak honestly, and tell each other about which gestures and actions make you feel loved.
Steps for Cracking the Love Language Code

The first step is to become curious about your spouse versus thinking you know everything about him or her. Next, be willing to be vulnerable by speaking up about what makes each of YOU feel most loved and cared for.
To decode your love languages, spend some time pondering the questions below and each of you write down your individual responses to the questions on separate pieces of paper.
Then, get together to share your lists, and discuss what might be each of your top two Love Languages, the behaviors that absolutely need to be present in your relationship to feel cared for.
See if you can come up with 8-10 specific responses to each question. (Questions adapted from Harville Hendrix's Getting the Love You Want.)
  1. The things my spouse does now that make me feel loved and cared for are: (Examples: pays for dinner, makes me coffee, cheers me on, kisses me goodnight, holds my hand when we walk, makes me laugh, takes me away on special vacations)
  2. When we first got together, some of the things my spouse did that had me feel loved and cared for were: (Examples: wrote me loving emails, brought me flowers, whispered sexy things in my ear, made love to me more than once a day, called me on the phone just to say how crazy you were about me, cooked dinner for me)
  3. Think of some loving and caring behaviors that you have always wanted but never asked for; things you've either dreamed of or experienced in the past. Wherever possible, be specific about your request. Don't hold back. (Examples: massage me for 30 minutes without stopping, wash each other in the bath tub, buy me some nice jewelry, act out a sexual fantasy with me (be specific), plan a surprise day or trip for us)
To really rekindle the flames of passion, exchange lists with your partner and spontaneously fulfill one or more desires from your partner's list each day for the next month. Begin with the ones that are easiest for you to do.
When your partner does a caring act for you, be sure to acknowledge it with an appreciative comment. These are gifts to you, not obligations. Let yourself truly discover the joy of giving and receiving love.
When you take the steps to genuinely understand and act on the unique ways your partner feels loved and cared for, you'll re-ignite your passion for each other and keep love alive well beyond the special holiday of the moment!

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The True Rules Of Engagement

To my female readers, imagine this; It's a Tuesday evening. About 7pm. And you are sitting on the couch being cradled in the arms of the one you love. Your favorite music is softly playing in the background as the man of your dreams is gently caressing your cheek and staring lovingly into your eyes. This is not lust that you are seeing. It's admiration. Appreciation. And though no words are being spoken, you clearly understand from his smile, from his caresses to his kisses, that all he wants is to love you and to feel you loving him back. You sit up to face each other and before you can speak the words, he says them, "I love you." Three simple words filled with power and promise. Power to build and create, or the power to destroy. Past heart breaks have taught you to be cautious. Young men these days speak those words so easily with no regard or comprehension as to what those words truly mean. But this man, the one holding you now, makes you feel loved and protected and cherished. He has demonstrated on numerous occasions that loving you means putting you and your needs first. For him, love is not a word. It is an action. And he has given and sacrificed enough to prove to you beyond a shadow of any doubt, that when he speaks these words, that he truly means them with his whole heart. And it is for those reasons that you not only believe in his words, but you have the courage and enthusiasm to return the love that he is so freely giving to you.
To my male readers; Imagine if you will, the same scenario. But with the woman of your dreams. Warm, supportive, patient and loving. Eager to please but wise enough to know when to move and when to wait. That shoulder you can lean on when you're stressed. That ear to listen to you vent. That voice to soothe, advise, encourage and guide. The perfect friend. The perfect lover. The perfect life mate. She took the time to get to know what truly makes you tick. And is always quick to show you that she knows exactly what her man wants or needs without you ever having to tell her. And the closeness that you feel with her isn't because of anything sexual, as a matter of fact, it's the closes thing you 've ever felt to anything spiritual. Why? Because for the first time in your life, you finally found someone who cared enough about your thoughts and feelings to actually listen to you. Listen to your heart crying. To your anger spilling out. To your frustration boiling over. To your tears overflowing. To your guilt pushing you over the edge. To your fear keeping you isolated. To your dreams ready to explode into life. To your need to be something or someone more than who you are. She listens to it all. And she doesn't judge. She listens and she doesn't punish. She listens and she does not tell. She takes your pain into herself and shares in it with you, so that she can understand it like you do. And then she comforts you. She cry's with you. She rocks with you. She encourages you and inspires you. And she will let you rage and rage and rage just to get it out of your system, just to tell you at the end of all of your raging, that everything is going to be alright. That whatever comes, you will go through it together. That she loves you. And that she is proud of you. And you don't really understand how or why, but her simple words of encouragement brings you peace. And makes you feel strong. They help push away the fear and help to give you perspective. You begin to realize that you are not alone. That she is going to love your no matter what. That she's not walking away because as far as she is concerned, she is apart of you. And that together, you are twice as strong. And suddenly, you find yourself loving her twice as much.
Believe it or not, neither of these are fairy tale scenarios. They are the revelations of real couples who have done the work and stayed together through some tough storms to make their loving relationships a reality. Unfortunately, this does not apply to everyone. Because not everyone was truly meant to be together. One would think that at the rate we as a civilization are evolving and growing, that with each generation we would weed out the bad habits or traits possessed by the generation before us. Sadly, that is not the case. In fact, the issue that has inspired this editorial is a human trait that seems to be regressing right before our very eyes. I am talking about DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS. Somehow, though we have made tremendous advancements in our evolution in science and technology, we seem to be regressing mentally and emotionally as human beings in our dealings with one another as mates. And it has regressed to the point of a significant portion of our society prescribing to the belief that DYSFUNCTION is a NORMAL part of EVERY RELATIONSHIP.
But there is a reason why so many of you have embraced this lie as though it is the truth. There is a reason why so many have participated in failed relationships that left them feeling angry and bitter. So bitter, you're not even able to maintain a civil friendship with your ex. It is because you entered into your past relationships without fully knowing or understanding the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. Every successful relationship begins with the proper implementation of the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. It is the understanding of these rules, and by the strict adherence of these rules, that most productive, loving, prosperous relationships are spawned. Before I reveal to you these all important rules, lets first establish what qualifies a relationship. This is not to insult your intelligence, but to drive home a point before laying out the rules and explaining how and why they work, versus why what YOU have been doing, has continuously failed.
A functioning, loving, prosperous, non-dysfunctional relationship is what occurs when two separate people, with their own separate identities and lifestyles, choose to walk their journey in life together. That being said, there are a few things that can help ensure that the direction your relationship is moving in, is a positive one. These items are what we term as the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. These rules fall into two categories. Category one is "THE INDIVIDUAL." And category two is "THE COUPLE." This is the part where a lot of people are going to get their toes stepped on. A lot of people will not agree with these rules,... those people however, are the same people who have already been in 4 or more unsuccessful relationships that have ended in anger and bitterness. They will go out and try again, and they will fail again, and they will repeat the process again. Using as their justification and affirmation, the lie, that everybody goes through this. That all couples fight. That the drama they experience in their relationships is normal. And is to be expected. - Again:
We as a people, have been taught to find the short cuts. To do things better, faster, quicker, to be more efficient. And as a consequence, we have developed a taste for "INSTANT GRATIFICATION." Unfortunately, this is one of those things in life, that cannot be rushed. "BECAUSE THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS IN LOVE." Here are the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT:
1). Before any man or woman can be ready for a relationship with another person, they must first be secure and situated with themselves. Have their own identity. That means already having a job. Or having some way to secure your own money. Having your own place as well as your own car. Before you can be ready to contribute to a loving relationship, you have to first know how to be self.-sufficient and responsible for YOU! Because honestly, if you can't even take care of yourself, how are you to be expected to take care of the one you claim to love? Now this step alone would kill about 65% of most relationships today. There are just that many people who are actively participating in relationships that are UNEVENLY YOKED. Where only one person is footing the bills or doing all of the work. One is usually the giver and the other is usually the taker. For any relationship to have real hope of longevity and prosperity, both participants need to be able to contribute ON ALL LEVELS. That would be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and yes, FINANCIALLY. And no, I am not suggesting that it is all about the money. But a relationship is just like a career. Keeping in mind that the definition of a career is; "getting paid for what you love to do most." Just like any career, before you can excel to the top and get paid what you are worth, you need to be prepared and qualified to do the job. That means going to school for your training or degree or certifications. Once you have all of the tools you need, the sky is the limit. The same applies to LOVE. If you want to be able to be the best that you can be in the relationship, and want to be able to expect to receive the best out of that relationship, you need to ensure that you have everything that is required of you on your end. Love is a bounty and an investment that pays out huge returns for what you put into it,... but you have to actually have SOMETHING to put in. Something to invest. Something to contribute. Something more than just talk and game. Because a 100% return on any investment that you contribute NOTHING to, will still equate to nothing! Come on, do the math with me; 100 X 0 = 0. Change it around if you want, it still comes out the same. 0 X 100 = 0.
2). This is absolutely crucial. This is where the definition of a "COUPLE" is qualified and defined.
A couple is two separate "INDIVIDUALS" (please see definition above), who have already established their own individual lives and identities, but now choose to walk their life's path, "TOGETHER." The trick here is that even though they now walk together, there needs to be a healthy RESPECT for the OTHER PERSONS INDIVIDUALITY. The person that you are with, just like you, already has their own dreams and goals, their own wants, needs and desires. And just like you, they want their chosen mate to be a source of encouragement and support. The goal is that your mate will ADD to your ability to grow and prosper. NOT TAKE AWAY FROM IT. And together, you will develop a separate set of goals and dreams together as a single unit. - THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE GOALS OR DREAMS OR AMBITIONS THAT THEY HAVE AS AN INDIVIDUAL GO AWAY! - Those things still exist. Those things are still important. And if they are important to them, THEN THEY NEED TO BE IMPORTANT TO YOU. This is where and why COUPLES fail.When you give up your own individual dreams or identity to accommodate the other person, there is a void left in its place that cannot be filled because there is no such thing as a replacement for your dreams or for your identity. These things are a literal part of what makes you who and what you are. They are the things that drive and inspire you. Take them away,... and you are not YOU anymore.
The final rule is an old one. And in my opinion the one that matters most. If people were just honest with themselves about their ability to follow it, there would never be a problem. It simply states: "WHATEVER YOU DID TO GET ME, IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO KEEP ME." This should actually be the easiest thing in the world to do. Because hopefully, when you meet your life mate, the mutual attraction that you are both experiencing is a NATURAL one. Meaning you are attracted because you both actually share so many things IN COMMON WITH EACH OTHER that it justifies the attraction. Not your lust for each others flesh, but your shared interest in life. On issues. Politics. Views on family. Involvement in the community. The same religious views. The same tastes in music. These shared views matter. There is nothing wrong with being different or uniquely YOU. But in terms of a relationship, if you are talking about spending THE REST OF YOUR NATURAL LIFE WITH SOMEONE, I can assure you that you are going to want to spend it with someone who has the capacity to see things from your point of view. You will still have differences in opinion. But at least your mental thinking will mostly be moving along the same lines. COMPATIBILITY MATTERS. And yes, opposites do attract and fun can still be had by all, but statistically, those relationships mostly fail MISERABLY AND PAINFULLY. This decision, to mate, to marry, or to claim your soul-mate, should be as important as you choosing a college. A career. And those choices are usually made based on some very specific things. Love is no different. And the impact is just as life changing. Do not relinquish your ability to have some say-so in who you choose to be with. Do not leave it to fate. Stand up and take an active part in who you choose, or risk being another failed statistic. It's about choices. And some are harder than others. But they still need to be made.
There is only one thing left to remember. You need to be honest enough with yourself to be able to see and acknowledge the difference between LOVE AND PASSION. This will make you or break you. PASSION is such a huge part of what makes up LOVE, that it can easily be confused for being true love itself. PASSION is overwhelming and addictive. And when it's good, it's good. Unfortunately, it is not enough to sustain or to keep a relationship alive. Especially if it is the only thing you two have in common. The other aspects that you need as an INDIVIDUAL will come into play sooner or later. And when they do, and what you need as an INDIVIDUAL does not line up, or your needs are not being met, or interests collide, opinions collide, desires collide, all you have left in the wake of all of that opposition, is the passion. And that's when you realize, that the sex between you, as good as it is, it will not pay the bills. It will not supply you with emotional support. It will not encourage you when you need to go left and your mate is fighting you to go right. It will not back up your decisions. And it will not inspire you to push in the opposite direction,... "THE DIRECTION IN WHICH YOU DREAMS ACTUALLY LIE." No, PASSION, (as delicious as it is), is not enough. So, it falls to you now. As a responsible adult, to do the things that YOU ALREADY KNOW ARE IN YOUR BEST INTEREST. I can assure you, that while you are on your journey through life, if you are being true to yourself and your own dreams and ambitions, that along the way, you will find someone, whom you are incredibly attracted to, who is striving in the exact same direction as you, doing the exact same things that you are doing, for the exact same reasons. Those are the relationships that last 50 years or more. Nothing personal, but the reason your current relationship is not or did not work, (and yes, I am making a general assumption that does not apply to everyone, I realize that. But the point will be made), is because you probably met him or her, at a random place, like a night club, or the mall, or some public venue, and were only physically attracted to them. Maybe you thought they were funny and cute and that combination made them seem exciting to you. People ask all of the time, "WHERE CAN I GO TO MEET SOMEONE WHO IS INTO THE SAME THINGS THAT I AM INTO?" I am blown away every time I hear it. Because the answer is simple; YOU WILL MEET THEM IN THE PLACES WHERE YOU DO THE THINGS THAT MATTER MOST TO YOU. And if you see them there regularly, it will give you the opportunity to see how passionate they are about the thing that matters so much to you. It will afford you the opportunity to strike up intelligent conversation. Share laughter and discover what else you may or may not have in common. That is the missing element in our relationship hunting now. NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE THE TIME NECESSARY TO REALLY GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER. Everyone just wants the sex and then fast forward to HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Sorry family. It honestly does not matter how much we grow or evolve in science or technology, this part of love and relationships, will simply never change. So date. Meet and greet. Mix and mingle. But be selective. And do not be so quick to move people into your homes. Or bring them around your kids. Get to know them first. So, before you go and lay with each other; Try sitting together without driving each other crazy. Then try walking together hand in hand. Then try running in the same circles. If you can do that, then TOGETHER, maybe you can actually fly. - Adrian Milan

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The Difference Between Love and Lust

Lust and love, in the initial stages, can appear very similar. You want to be in each other's company all the time; you yearn for physical intimacy. But once that sexual itch has been gratified, your partner walks away, having discovered that whatever it is he was feeling for you is no longer there.
Very few people can differentiate lust from love. However, love and sex are two separate concepts. A man, for instance, might be having sexual relationship with other women, but he stills loves his wife. I'd conclude that lust doesn't include love, and love doesn't essentially include lust.
Being in love is not just a feeling. It is not the strong sensation we feel when we are attracted to someone. You might argue love starts with infatuation. It certainly can be true, but you must be very careful with it. Ever wondered why people say, "I love him or her" then a few days later you hear this "I do not love them anymore"? They are confused because most people fall more in love with the feeling inside them than they are with the person.
Loving someone with all your heart is a bit different. So what is true love? "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4
What is the difference between love and lust? From the above bible citation, love is a spiritual fulfilment of the heart and soul. It's meant to fill the empty hole in the soul, not gratify the body. The main difference between love and lust is that a lustful relationship is short-lived and is all about instant gratification. Whereas, when you are truly in love, you'll experience passionate feelings for someone, and be drawn and connected to him or her on the level of inner self, mind, body and soul.
A small baby is attracted and connected to his or her mother mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We usually feel loved by God because we are connected to Him spiritually.
Having a strong feeling for someone can trick you to believe you are in love when you are actually infatuated or in lust. Don't settle for less, lust is conceived in the mind and sex is its main goal. Real love is perpetual. Real love stays in the heart and soul eternally. Age, separation, distance and time cannot do away with real love.

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