As Christian's we're taught (and firmly believe) that sex is something that should only be shared between a husband and a wife in their marriage bed. What we're never taught is what we're supposed to do once we get there! Sex is a beautiful thing that we're meant to enjoy, but even in the most loving marriage sex can grow stale over time. It pays to know how to pleasure your partner, but most of the sex books available on the contemporary market involve enough unspeakables that you're almost embarrassed to look!

Find your answers in a Christian sex e-book.

Often within the church a sort of taboo develops when it comes to discussing sex. Many couples have questions, but they're scared and embarrassed to go to their fellow parishioners and don't feel comfortable perusing literature like the Kama Sutra or the pornographic literature that passes for educational books in many bookstores. So where are young couples supposed to turn to find the answers they're looking for?

By investing in a Christian sex e-book you will be assured that you're reading a tasteful piece of literature that was designed with the married couple in mind and adheres strictly to the guidelines of what the Lord states is acceptable between a man and woman. This gives you the chance to quietly and anonymously learn everything you've ever wanted to know about how to please your partner, how to make the transition from friends to lovers as smooth as possible and how to keep the spice in your marriage bed, whether you've been married for five years or fifty.

The Lord made our bodies to enjoy sex, and when a man and a woman enter into the marriage covenant the possibilities that presents itself are amazing and not just for their potential to bring children into the world either! While children are a gift, the first gift you and your spouse bring to your marriage bed is each other. It's important that you learn to love and enjoy each other, and a Christian sex e-book can help you do that without exposing you to pictures, ideas and suggestions that no one was ever meant to see.

The bottom line? Don't be afraid to ask your questions. The answers you find might just surprise you. There's nothing wrong with wanting a little spice in your sex life. It's good for you and your spouse, satisfying both your emotional and physical needs and keeping both of your eyes firmly where they belong; on each other.


Love is like a circle: it has no beginning and it has no end. Each day has its own cycle, as do months, years and lifetimes. Every single day is complete within itself and is a key part of the greater cycles of years and lifetimes. When we get trapped in a linear trajectory of life as if it has an end, we lose sight of the importance of every moment; we lose sight of the importance of every thought. As an individual you choose whether you wish to be a victim of the moment or the master of it. It is your choice as to which thoughts will flow through your mind and it is your thoughts that will determine your own destiny. You have the power.
The idea of controlling one's mind is not new, but it has become very confused. If you think of yourself as the mind, you give away all the power to control it. But when you recognize that you, the essential you, is spiritual - the soul - you realize the power to control the mind is natural.
To make a relationship last, infuse love for your spouse every moment and with as many thoughts as you can. Replace those nasty thoughts of criticism with loving thoughts of praise and support. Make each day one filled with thoughts of wanting to please your spouse by giving love in sincere and beautiful ways. Waste no thoughts on ugliness and selfishness. Make all thoughts beautiful flowers in the garden of your mind, and always remember to tell your spouse, "I love you.


When they fall in love, people marry

Discussion a number of issues is going the extra mile in your marriage and will be greatly appreciated by your spouse.

Are there symptoms and signs of impending marital disasters?

If your spouse is becoming apathetic, this could be a sign of a marriage crisis. If your spouse stays on one side of the bed while sleeping and intimacy has become a forgotten item on your agenda then this is a red big flag that your marriage is falling apart. Of course, this is reliable and scientifically tested, but it is worth the try. Married couples tend to only hear what their spouse is saying and they don't truly listen with their ears or their hearts to one another which will lead to a divorce eventually. If your spouse agrees with you all the time now and has little attention of matters that used to throw them in a fit then you need to sit down together and talk about what's wrong in order to save the marriage. Before this painful moment of truth that your spouse is leaving you, there were probably signs of your spouse's departure beforehand. Has your spouse taken you for granted.

What are you to do when you are at the brink of marriage?

The opportunity to react is ever present. And the internet offers many resources without cost, you just have to surf to their website, their inputs will serve as your line of defense to combat marital crisis. The reason is still there which you will have to recall. When you read it, it is not good enough, so you tear it up and write a better one. They are the impulsive reactions of people who do not take time to think and assess their situations.

Are there common reactions felt in a marital crisis?

You will rely on time because it is a great healer. Myth 2. This is the most damaging causing people to procrastinate and react properly.

How do I save my marriage after my husband committed infidelity?

Here are some helpful pieces of advice. Changes in both you will give a better chance for your relationship to survive. Let your spouse lay their cards on the table and tell you their side of the story.

What are some helpful guidelines for a happy marriage?

Couples do no always engage in rational discussion. Recall the memories of your courtship, relive the thrill and excitement you shared on your dates, the places you have visited and your honeymoon. They should avoid common behavior that is likely to make a dent in their relationship, this harmful behavior must stop. If you love each other, there is no barrier that can break the knot. Never break a promise although you are likely to believe that promises are made to be broken. Be a dependable spouse, keep your promises otherwise she/he will lose trust. Sometimes relationships are lost because the individual fears to face the truth.

It is possible for you to preserve your marriage?

Make your spouse your number 1 priority over your kids and work. Take that action now. Time heals is true in most circumstances but not for a marital crisis. The convincing is in your hands. But remember that in the future, it will only be the two of you. Things will not work out by themselves, you have to take a hand. Marriage experts mention that there is more than one path, possibly 8.

Is marriage worth saving?

You just have to take the first step. You will be a better person, parent and spouse. You will have to learn on your own and utilize the available resources around you.


To foster good realtionships in marriage, it is important to have forecast. Sometimes when challenges arise in a relationship those who are unable to cope choose the easy way out; and that is to breakup. To avoid this it is important to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead that are bound to rock your marriage.

Whenever problems occur, the attraction and appreciation that was once there in most cases is lost. During these times you may view your partner more of a burden than an asset. However, true love is not mere attraction. It is a choice which you have to make and stand with your partner in order to establish good relationships in marriage. I state this because it is not every day that your partner will do you good. At times he/she will make mistakes and you will have to be patient and tolerant in order for things to work out.

Communication is the key to success relationships in marriage. When you communicate your needs, you make it easier for your partner to better understand you. You can never find a perfect spouse; therefore you must be ready to forego what your partner cannot offer. In fact, you should always concentrate on making your spouse happy and this way you will build a health reletionship.

You must also be able to appreciate your spouse by little actions that send a big message. Do not get tired of appreciating your partner if you really want to build healthy relationships in marriage. Avoid being too over-confident or taking your spouse commitment for granted. You may just end up regretting it for the rest of your life. Therefore, handle relationships in marriage carefully and you will definitely enjoy the company of your spouse.

Read more valuable tips of establishing Healthy Relationships in Marriage.


One thing that may be a common turn off for men is neediness and dependency. Women are famous for being more emotional, jealous and unstable when it comes to relationships and dating, men frequently find these traits to be one of the biggest problems they are facing and reasons that they'll break up with a girlfriend. One of the most common examples of neediness are phone calls. A girl will call many times before man answers and will sit by the phone, fretting as to why he may not of called and what he's thinking regarding her telephone calls. Really, a person is thinking little about the problem. Men will instantly make the presumption that this girl is controlling and insecure with herself, not a great recipe for romance.

The reason that many women act like this in relationships is due to the fact that they have been left before and are scared of a similar situation happening that may cause them pain. The problem happens when the girls begin to act more needy, push the new man away and then buttress her fear of being left. Once a girl has got onto this dangerous cycle, it is not straightforward to recover and build up their self-worth and self confidence once more. While it may seem easy, many women who behave in a pathetic and insecure fashion are aware of it, though still cannot seem to find a way to stop these unwelcome and damaging habits. The reaction a girl in this type of mind set can have to an unanswered phone call can be similar to a panic attack which causes a great amount of agitation and stress. The other side of the neediness coin is of course, playing tough to get. Some ladies believe that seeming to be not available will make them more tasty to men.

The belief in 'playing tough to get' stems from the concept that men like the chase and will only remain interested so long as there's a target which they have to get and a challenge that has not been met. Even though this has shown to work during the past, it isn't an attractive quality to a man with healthy self esteem. Neither of these two personality features are interesting to men or girls in any kind of relationship and it is important to understand that they only way of securing an enduring and trusting relationship is to find a half way mark and retain a healthy respect and communication with any partner. Trust will build up thru time and when you get to know a husband or fiance you'll find that there isn't any need for pretence or mistrust of any kind. Isn't better then to start off as you mean to go on? By respecting a relationship from the very first date without any ploys, tricks and plans is a much better way to discover a happy, content and loving relationship with a great guy.


You may be reading a wedding planning book or you may be looking back upon your wedding.

Underlying every aspect of the wedding is the expectation of marriage. This expectation may be founded on the right principles or flawed in some way. But in any case you can make your relationship right.

You can establish a foundation that will bless for a lifetime.

The struggle for human rights is an ongoing fight well worth fighting. Men often joke about marriage being legalize male slavery, but often the opposite has been reality. Many women have suffered terrible abuses in the name of marriage.

The cause of freedom and justice continues across America and the world. Perhaps that battle is even more obvious in our homes. The very nature of marriage and family life are threatened by the thirst for equality and domination. Political and social forces reach into every part of our lives. Some of this may be good, but some also disrupts the operational relationships of the family.

How does all of this affect our marriages and homes? Apparently, it has affected thousands of homes as indicated by the over half of first marriages and over two thirds of second marriages ending in divorce.

Where can we find foundational principles to guide us in our marriages? As a Christian minister, I have discovered some critical principles revealed in the Bible, however, I have been pleasantly surprised to find that these same ideas are also recommended by many of the authorities today on success in marriage.

Principle A: Husbands and wives are not the same, but in marriage they must share mutually to insure success. Whenever one or the other holds back, both suffer. Whenever one or the other oppresses, both suffer. Only when husband and wife freely give their love, their work, or their lives to each other mutually can they be assured of marital success.

Rule two: Man is charged with the task of leadership to the couple and family. Leadership sets the standards, values, priorities, and direction for the marriage and family socially, morally, economically, and spiritually. Effective leadership demands sensitivity to his followers, partners, and subordinates. To fulfill his leadership responsibilities, he must consider the needs, wants, and ideas of his wife being willing to sacrifice his own desires to meet her needs.

A leader protects those he leads. He avoids putting his family and his marriage at risk. He sacrifices his own desires, needs, or welfare in order to keep his family safe. Threats may come in many forms, but the husband leader remains the steady defender of his home.

Third Rule : Husbands provide. Husbands work to provide food, clothing, and shelter for his family. It is his responsibility to provide for his marriage and family. This means he must give his time and energy to earning a living, providing a home, supplying the basic needs of his home. He must willingly sacrifice himself, his sweat, his best efforts to meet his family's needs. A wife who joins in to help her husband gives him precious support.

Rule D: Companionship is the mission of a wife. Her duty is to join her husband to mutually pursue the dreams of marriage and family. Honor, respect, and assistance are the wife's critical contribution. She needs to willingly give herself to meet her husband's most basic needs.

An abusive husband may abuse his wife, but a beloved wife freely shares her life, gives her love, and sacrifices herself for the welfare of her marriage and family. Giving always blesses. Giving always uplifts. Giving always blesses. Giving always strengthens marriages.

Subjection and oppression ruin marriages. Dictatorial tyranny destroys. A man who behaves in such a way, cripples his marriage. On the other hand, a husband who loves his wife will listen intently to her and respond with self sacrificing generosity. A wife who truly loves her husband will honor his efforts, encourage and respect him, and stand with him against all the pressures of the world.

Make sure your wedding vow speaks endeering truths. Study wedding planning books to get useful ideas.

When husband fulfills his role as defined by these Biblical principles, the marriage and family are blessed.

Marriages thrive when wives dedicate themselves to their husbands standing with them and for them.

This is not as much a matter of bondage or freedom as it is a matter of mutuality, leadership, and giving to advance the welfare of the whole family. Marriage requires serious effort. To learn more about the fundamental commitments made when a man and woman marry, explore the vast resources available to you through the resources below.

Instruct those who are to make your all important wedding toast to express the same values and principles that will sustain your marriage for a lifetime.