Love And Marriage - Work On Love To Revitalise Your Marriage

There are many different kinds of love. The love of a mother for her baby, the love of a friend, the love of family, the love of a pet, the love of nature, but the most unique of all relates to love and marriage. Work on love to revitalise your marriage.
Love in marriage is the ultimate emotional union between two human beings. There are different levels of emotional union and all are important, but marriage is special because it is where two people share everything, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In marriage a couple bond together as one. They are soul mates. A soul mates mate is a person with whom you have a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, sex, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and compatibility. The strongest romantic bond that you can achieve with another person is to become soul mates. A soul mate is a romantic partner, with the implication of an exclusive lifelong bond.
Marriage is the highest form of love where two soul mates fuse together to become one and return to the ultimate being. Both partners in a marriage bring different things to the relationship. They may have similar or complementary outlooks on life. Two different people bringing different things to the marriage is what makes the relationship exciting and dynamic. Marriage is a didactic relationship where two people in love achieve more together than if the two were working independently.
Marriage is the sacred union of mind, body and soul. Nakedness in a marriage is a symbol of that union because there is nothing to hide. This total union of mind, body and soul does not happen overnight. Love and marriage is the key to a happier life. However even if it is love at first sight you need to keep working on the union. Work on love to revitalise your marriage.
The total union of two souls takes time. Build it up in stages, and enjoy each stage. There will be set backs from time to time but the set backs don't matter - it matters only about how you address those set backs. Have an action plan to work on problems together, but interestingly, problem solving is not the key to a happy, successful marriage. Love is.
Like Adam and Eve, temptation occurs when you think that the grass is greener on the other side of the mountain. But it is not. You may never reach the mountain top again so work on staying at the top rather than sliding haphazardly down the other side. It takes time and effort to get to the top of the mountain so it is advisable to enjoy it once you get there.
Share interests and do exciting things together in the marriage. Occasionally one of you may need to compromise, but the time invested will be well worth it. But also have some time out, some personal space to do your own thing. That way you will not get claustrophobic and will enjoy each other even more.
So why does a marriage fail? Why does that exclusive lifelong bond break? You have been seeking one another throughout the ages. Despite having bonded as soul mates, you are now considering separation. Does karma play a role? Or is the answer simpler than that?
In order for soul mates to find each other there has to be attraction to draw them together. And what sparks attraction for a woman to a man? - Leadership. And what sparks attraction for a man to woman? - Fertility.
The law of attraction dates back to of Adam and Eve. The evolutionary theory of attraction indicates that the main attraction of a man to a woman is due to fertility and that the main attraction of a woman to a man is due to his qualities to provide and protect. A conjugal/romantic relationship has the main purpose of procreation to continue the human species. These actions are controlled by the subconscious mind because that is how we are biologically programmed.
It goes back to the caveman days and involves the hunter instinct. The hunter approach is very powerful in males when they initially find a new girlfriend. They show off their leadership skills - they ask you out; they pay for the meal; they open the door; they ask you to marry them. And women because of their biological instincts are subconsciously attracted to this behaviour - they fall deeply in love with this potential mate; this provider; this potential father of her children.
It goes without saying therefore, that when a marriage fails that the attraction has died. The bond of attraction which held the union together has failed. The secret to saving a marriage lies in rebuilding that attraction. And how do you do that?
The answer lies in leadership. You need to work on the male leadership skills in order to rekindle the hunter instinct in him so that he becomes that amazing, compelling, dynamic, charismatic leader which first attracted the female soul mate. And let her biology look after of the rest. Your sex drive will be reactivated. You will fall wildly madly in love again. Love and marriage is the key to a happier married life. Work on it together and your marriage will be revitalised.

Marriage - Alternative Or Open-End Lease Relationships - Man's Or God's Design?

How is your marriage? Is it really a priority? Or is it just drifting along with the current trends? Or, are you just "hanging in there" as they say? If you think about "hanging" it's really not a good position to be in. Is there room for improvement? Of course there is! Do you know who the original designer of marriage is? Did you know that your marriage is important to God? Knowing what God has to say about marriage will give you some keen insight. To help you better understand it from a deeper perspective. When you visit the corridors of scriptures you will find in fact that marriage existed from the very beginning. In the Book of Genesis it has been recorded that God had a design and plan for marriage from the inaugurational inception of time. "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman for she was taken out of man..." Just take a few moments to ponder and think about this passage of scripture.
Just like then, there continues to be a boisterous attempt to set aside and overthrow what God originally intended. Marriage is not some idealistic unattainable concept that has been created by mankind. Marriage is not some happy ever after fantasy. It is a Covenant commitment relationship that is made together between two imperfect people before the presence of the only Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient Perfect God. Whose divinely inspired basic concepts and origins lay in the foundational footsteps of Scripture. God is here to help us and abet in the creating of an environment in which this type of relationship can take place. God always leaves a remnant of his people who desire to live their lives to please Him. God really does want you to enjoy life on this side of heaven.
In the New Testament you will find an interesting example about a faithful couple named Aquila and Priscilla. They used there time, efforts, as well as resources to build the kingdom of God by bringing others to Christ. Aquila and Priscilla were united in both marriage and ministry. There is much power when two come together in agreement in the work of the Lord. It is most important to not just talk it but walk it as well. For them it was not just an outside show. It was a way of life. Aquila and Priscilla were devoted to the Lord and realized the significance of having a Christ-centered home. In the Bible you will find that they are never even mentioned separately. They met Paul on his second missionary journey and worked faithfully together along with him. When a couple is sincerely united in Christ they can accomplish much for the Lord. During their stay in Ephesus they encountered a young man named Apollos. The Bible records in Acts 18 that he was an eloquently learned man with the knowledge of scriptures. "He had been instructed in the way of the Lord and spoke with great fervor and taught of Jesus accurately though he knew only the baptism of John." It was Aquila and Priscilla who took him aside and further fully explained more adequately the way of the Lord. After this Apollos was greatly helped and went on to further proclaim the Truth, "he was a great help to those who by grace had believed." This is a great illustration of the powerful, significant effect they had by their working together. Their faithfulness resulted in them having a God centered home as well as marriage. With God "All things
are Possible."
As a believer you should be concerned with this God ordained ultimate relationship between a man and a woman. It is becoming increasingly clear that there is a growing increase within the world as well as the Christian population of those who do not respect appreciate, honor nor embrace God's design principles of marriage. Throughout the world there are various and alternative ways in which one can enter into a marriage. I ask, "But should it still be called marriage?" Marriage in many instances is no longer considered to be a lasting "Covenant Agreement." Man has really put a lot of relationships asunder. In the majority of cases marriage has defaulted to until we can no longer agree? Or until I get tired of you or you get tired of me? So you go your way and I will go mine...This is not what God intended. Here is a thought; why not in this case just simply call them what they are; alternative or open-end lease relationships?
It is by no way a coincidence that the Bible poetically uses an illustration of marriage as the reflection of Christ's eternal relationship with His Church. In fact His Church is His Bride! He intended that marriage was to be an institution of "Holy Matrimony", that is inclusive of His presence and guidelines. It is very important to consult the Lord when you are in or contemplating entering into marriage. Quite impulsively, and a lot of times on the rebound, many hastily jump heart first into marriage. Not really knowing the person who they have married. All too often they are "unequally yoked." There is certainly much preparation that is needed before, after and during in order to embark in His relational committed concept of "Two becoming one flesh." But much too often they are simply laid aside. It's important that your marriage be a priority. It effects not only you, but your children, relatives, friends...Most people think carnally rather than spiritually when it comes to marriage. In marriage God wants us to minister to one another as well. This will nurture and develop a healthy mutual symbiotic relationship.
One must learn and subscribe to becoming transparent within this type of committed relationship. Marriage is a continuous growth process for both partners involved. There is much spiritual warfare waged against, as well as to divide God's design for marriage. Love, respect, trust, intimacy and praying for one another consistently are crucial. In order to know and experience this, one must eagerly, openly and honestly seek the scriptures to assure oneself that this is a doable concept. Intimacy in marriage is crucial! God has an endless reservoir of ways to keep your relationship interesting and satisfying. God did not leave us here on earth to flutter and flounder and allow whatever the current "Now" generational concepts to become popular for our directional path for marriage. For many "anything goes." Although not at all an easy joint venture, I must warn you that it even becomes much more difficult without incorporating His Biblical principles. "I feel, I need, I want," takes the helm. Instead, immediate self gratification becomes a chosen path for many. God has designated a route and navigational passageway for marriage that has now all too often been aborted. But with Him it really is possible! The intimacy, strength, acquired spiritual growth and character building benefits outweigh any seasonal difficulties that one may ever incur. It can also yield a pleasant, peaceful abode.
The scriptures tell us "God is Love." Just notice how loosely the word "love" is used by so many. Since the cohesive component of marriage should be love, how can one truly love without God? Who in fact is Love! Love does not delight in evil. It rejoices in Truth! Above all "Love never fails" (Really read slowly and digest I Corinthians 13) For example; It is like making something sweet without using sugar. Instead just any preferred artificial sweetener can suffice. My point is that no matter how closely it mimics sugar an artificial sweetener is not sugar! So without God, I choose to employ the syntax that without God who is love, one simply has "intoxicating affections". It is not the same! Instead they won't last; your emotional roller coaster will take the helm. Disagreements you will have. A good strong marriage is made up of two independent individuals. Yet they earnestly strive to live and to do what is best for the marriage. There commitment to each other and God becomes a top priority. Herein humility, selflessness and patience are acquired as well. The marriage bed is honorable. This in turn gives glory to God's design for marriage.
God created us to love, learn, live and glorify Him as extensions of His creation. Marriage provides a God sanctioned partner relationship that helps you weather the tempestuous storms that come along in life. One should be able to express their hopes, fears, disappointments and desires. One should be able to discover love, truth, peace, commitment, transparency, comfort and experience relief and joy within marriage as well. Sacrifice is also a part of marriage. But all too often the reasons for coming together are buried and tucked away under the torrents of life. There is much spiritual growth experienced in love. Again the Bible says "God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment, because in this world we are like Him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love..." (Read I John 4) I truly believe God wants marriage to last until...

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Is Yours a Bad Marriage Or Are You Bad at Marriage?

I waited until I was 30 years old to marry, and I did so with one goal in mind-I wanted to stay married and believed that I needed to take time to become marriageable. I wanted to develop some of the qualities I expected my future mate to have. Even with all my preparation I couldn't imagine the demands love would place upon me, nor the battle I'd enter into with myself.
Marriage is a unique relationship that truly requires one thing and one thing
Now, don't be too quick to dismiss what I just said. There's far more to that statement than what you might think initially. Remember the infamous song, "What's Love Got to Do with it?" In marriage the answer is everything.
Everything in marriage has to do with love. What you say, why you say it, and how you say it. What you want for yourself, your mate, and for both of you. What you do and your reasons for doing this or that, or not. In marriage love is everything.
In fact, I'm going to go ahead and put it right out there. Without love you don't truly have a marriage. And, even worse, without it you're simply going to be bad at marriage and actually create a rather bad marriage.
If love is so significant to marriage, then it's only reasonable to ask the question, "What is love," or at least, "What kind of love is it that makes one successful in marriage?" The answer to that lies in the definition of love. So, what is love? Well in our culture today we use the word love to describe just about everything, don't we? For example, we love sports, pizza, chocolate, shoes, ad infinitum. Obviously, this isn't the love we're speaking of that makes for great marriages.
There are three words Greeks used that reveal the true nature of love. Their description more accurately describes the kind of love strong marriages are built on; and, that can transform a "bad marriage" into a great marriage.
In great marriages couples express love as the Greeks described it-eros, philia, and agape. The best description of eros I've ever heard is that it's "the physical passion of the body and its intoxicating pleasure." I love that definition, and it's from someone most people would least expect to hear such a definition from-Pope Benedict XVI!
Philia is the love of friendship, and agape, lastly, is unconditional, selfless love. It's the "self-giving love of one who looks exclusively for the good of the other," to quote the pontiff Benedict once again. Of the three, agape is the most important because it holds all three together. So, in great marriages there is the powerful expression of physical love, the emotionally bonding love of friendship, and the life giving power of agape love holding it all together as couples give and receive from each other both physically and emotionally through acts of selflessness and sacrifice.
Therein is the battle I mentioned earlier on that I had. The battle is always within you. Love is demanding and you must decide again and again to take up the challenge of loving or selfishness. Now, here are some questions for you to answer for yourself.
  • How good are we at blending the three expressions of love?
  • Is there friendship in your marriage?
  • How do you cultivate friendship with your partner?
  • How good are you at openly disclosing your thoughts, feelings, desires, and needs?
  • Are you willing and joyful about the opportunity to share the gift of your body with your partner?
  • And, how well do you open up emotionally with your partner? When you're at odds, can you express yourself constructively? Can you remain supportive?
If you're unable to answer yes to these questions, it only means that you're not where you can be and as a result neither is your marriage. Unless there's abuse and dangerous behavior (violence, and/or criminal behavior) what is often considered a "bad marriage" is more often than not a case of being bad at marriage, or not very effective at loving self or others.
The reality is that most of us come to marriage bad at it, or not very good at loving (gifting ourselves to another person selflessly). And until we get better at loving, we'll continue to create experiences in marriage that make us and the one we love miserable. Being bad at marriage is a common problem, but the good news is that as long as you're capable of making a decision, you're capable of building a great marriage. My passion is to help couples realize that they can become very good at marriage-very good lovers in the fullest sense of the word as I've described it above.

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Love, Honor and Cherish - The Covenant of a Lifetime

Why get married at all when so many are just living together? The act of marriage is based on mutual respect for one another and the statement that you have chosen each other for the rest of your lives, not just while it is convenient. Society might say marriage is an outdated, archaic practice that is not any longer necessary, but I beg to differ. The institution of marriage is just as vital today as it was a thousand years ago. I will explain my stance and you can see if you agree.


"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds."(Nickolas Sparks, the Notebook) This definition is part of the love between a man and a woman who have chosen to marry and stay together for the rest of their lives. Marital love involves so much more. Love is a chemical, physical reaction as well as a psychological reaction to someone who has come into your life that you want to be a part of your life always.


Honor refers to the highest principles of moral standards with absolutely no fraud or lying. Honor is doing what is right. Honor in marriage is vital to the survival of the marriage. By placing immeasurable value on the life of our spouse, we honor them. They come before us always in a healthy marriage because we have decided to put our mate in the position that makes them the most valuable person on earth to ourselves. We have decided that our spouse's needs will be met before our needs. Honor is what drives married couples to take the essential steps toward marital satisfaction. If we do not have honor, then we cannot have a satisfying marriage.


To cherish one another is giving affection, shelter and care to each other. You sustain and nourish this relationship because you want to help it grow. Most individuals believe that their spouse is the one person on earth that is their soul mate and they value this relationship enough to make sure that nothing happens to it.

The Covenant

The covenant is the agreement that supplies the promises and commitments to the marriage bond. The spiritual covenant that is binding and sacred is spoke of in the Bible. For those who do not adhere to the Bible, a covenant is the legal binding of a union. For Christian believers, married individuals made commitments to the marriage and are bound by God to live by them. Even when things do not go well for a married couple, the covenant continues to bind them.
In a final analysis; marriage, love, honor, cherishing and abiding by the covenant of marriage is just as relevant to our society today as it was a thousand years ago. Divorce was not meant to be, but because it is the easy way out rather than sticking with a relationship that needs serious work, people opt for divorce and violate the covenant of marriage.

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Build That Marriage - It's Your Responsibility

The foundation of a building is the strength and life of the building. Every professional builder takes that serious because faulty foundation can jeopardize the life of the occupancies.
So also is marriage. For you to enjoy it, a good starting is inevitable. The foundation ought to be standard and according to God's plan for a life-long benefit of marriage and family life. Once you have set the proper foundation, you build like a Master Builder according to His plan and that can take any form. However, make sure you build according to specifications.
Nothing else can make up a successful family than a good and well-planned marriage maintained in the fear of God. Until the issue of marriage is left in the hand of the Almighty God to direct, little or nothing can one derived from such marriage.
He instituted it and has all that it requires to be sustained to the end. Your marriage even if it started very well and seemed to be built of golden platter, if the source and the bases is not of God, it can collapse. Yet even if you did not start well in your marriage but allow God to come in and have His way, you can still have your marriage turn out great.
It is always good for you to enquire from God, the Matchmaker to direct your step. This is the beginning of a life-long successful marriage. That responsibility is primarily yours to find the right wife/husband. "He that findeth a wife (or husband) findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor from the Lord.
Now in a family setting, seeing your marriage relationship the confidence of assurance that God is leading you to your spouse will create a sense of rest within your soul. Be sure to be committed to expecting from God, trusting in Him than on your own knowledge, "lean not on your own understanding." When the husband and wife are both unanimously committed to go in the direction of God's will, achieving success for their marriage cannot be difficult.
Have in mind that your marriage is "for better for worse", no turning back even in the face of adversity. Building can be painful. It involves a lot of hard knocks and disappointments. These are sometimes the best route for a joyful marriage because they always leave behind some benefits of recreating man for maturity.
Sometimes ago, after about less than 2weeks after my marriage, I lost my job and we (my wife and I) never expected it to last than necessary. It caused us a great pain of lack and discomfort. There was little or nothing we could do because she had already resigned her appointment with a food company she was working with because of relocation to another state where I was based. We needed to start from the scratch. Life was miserable and unbearable, without food and money to start out a little business. Being in a strange land, we found it hard to acclimatize. A new marriage relationship on a shaky ground. We accepted the challenges together and today all that is a story.
Yours may not be loss of job or business failure. There may be unfolded truth about the relationship you ought to have learnt during courtship, which breaks your heart now. It could be delay in child bearing. Or some forms of discomfort and disturbance. All these are there to bring out some hidden qualities in you. So, build yourself by seeing the good side of life.
Once you have made up your mind to marry in the fear of God and determined to marry for life, whatever may come your way in the process, do not look back. Be optimistic; see good things coming out of the miry clay and laughter will replace your sigh.
Avoid suggestions to part your marriage in the face of trial to make no room for separation or divorce. Although, trials are inevitable but when they surface, pray. Prayer changes things. This is your responsibility. God can transform that situation but He requires you to pray.
There are three areas of life that marriage should always be weighed. The Spiritual, Physical and Emotional. Be sure to be united in these areas of life but allow the spiritual aspect to dominate others for a smooth running of a successful marriage. When you always see things with the eyes of God, not allowing your physical or emotion to prevail, success is sure.
We have agreed that love is the foundation of a successful marriage. Love has different facets with several characteristics. Love is kind, gentle, easily entreated, and patient, suffers long, bears all things, not easily provoked, good temperament and many others. Prior to marriage, even during dating, you may not be able to see or exhibit all these traits in your life or that of your spouse. Time after time in your marriage relationships, (with acceptance and kindness) your spouse' life styles will invariable build some of these in you.
Therefore, there it is essential to be patient in marriage and bear with each other even in the face of adversity. Your spouse may be of a higher temperament. You need to be of a lower temperament to keep him/her in the marriage. For a life of opposite nature, separation is not the solution. Even if you have tried all possible means to accommodate him/her, say no to divorce. You call on God his/her maker, He can restructure him/her to suit you. You and only you can build your Marriage.
Wishing you a lasting marriage.

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4 Essential Keys to a Marvelous Marriage

ou looking for helpful tips to make your marriage a marvelous one? Life seems to rush by quickly causing us to overlook vital keys to establish a thriving marriage so let's not waste anymore time and get right to the point. Take a deep breath, we'll soon cover all the topics that a marriage advisor would without the hefty bill!
Are you aware of some of the most efficient methods associated in a successful marriage? Love is the 1st step and we are not just talking about bedroom love nor soul mate love for that matter. We are mentioning an immense love, as in a heart felt empathy for that person. A love that genuinely has a desire to see that person happy. When a genuine love exists you show more patience, you listen attentively and you close the book on any childish mind games. You realize that making aggressive demands is not the solution and absolutely would never contemplate hurting your partner physically or emotionally.
I would warn you not to make sex a focal point even though it is a key factor to keeping a relationship youthful and exciting. Unplanned sex is a great remedy for relationship boredom. Researching a few sex & romance guides could be rather rewarding. Become equally acquainted with the patient, giving, compassionate, and empathetic side of love.
The second step is to better your ways of communicating. Statistical evidence of married couples show that the correct means of communication are missing or simply nonexistent. Learning to communicate properly will tremendously enhance your relationship. This includes always listening to what your partner is saying, talking with a no nonsense approach and at all times being honest with each other. Lack of communication is the leading cause of divorce today.
Step number 3 to creating a fulfilling marriage is compromise. Being the victor of a fight large or small is not the goal nor is it a compromising practice. Compromise involves self-sacrifice and it is an essential tool needed to have a long, loving marriage filled with happiness. Partners that fail to compromise will undoubtedly damage their relationships while causing separation and ultimately divorce.
Lastly, the importance of sharing like interests will be discussed. If you and your partner have drastically different goals and interests then it will obviously be more difficult to maintain a happy partnership. A strong foundation for a marriage is fostered by interests that are parallel and closely similar. If your partnership has run into some trouble, attempt to relive the moments that made your marriage incredible while creating more great last memories together. People are always growing, who knows maybe you can both discover a new interest that refreshes your relationship and rejuvenates your marriage to make it a long, happy, successful journey in this remarkable adventure of life together.
Hopefully this helped & good luck on repairing your relationship or simply get that long lost romance back.

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The Marriage Blues

What is the concept of marriage? As young women growing up we dream of finding our prince charming and getting married. This has been the myth since the beginning of time.
Marriage is a relationship between individuals which has formed the foundation for most families according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the early years marriage was the center of a loving and lasting relationship for a man and a woman. It was a mountain of a big deal. When you got married it was like celebrating and a party to bless the reunion for two very in love people. Marriage was the bomb and then some.
I'm a romance reader and I believe in finding the right man and living happily ever after. I look and search for my soul mate. I know he's right around the corner, and when God is ready for me to have him, then the search will be worth it.
I was married at eighteen years of age, and I have to admit I was still a baby at heart. I had no idea what was going on in the world. I was just smitten with my husband and wanted the fairy tale dream of being married.
He swept me off my feet in everyway possible, and I was so lucky and blessed to have found this man. Little did I know that it takes more than love to sustain a marriage? Love is the center of a being, and it prevents you from divorcing so fast. I think love conquers all obstacles in our path, but it doesn't pay the rent or the mortgage.
I was thrilled when I got married because I was still living in my fairy tale in the land of fantasy. I didn't know what marriage was about or the mechanics of it. My husband was only three years older than me, so he was still wet behind the ears too. We celebrated our first couple of years still on the honeymoon that we never had, basking in the after glow of our love for each other. It was heaven and then some.
We had a ball getting to know each other. The next three years we moved onto the basic ingredient of our marriage and this is where the reality slowly stomped over our hearts. We begin to see that our personalities were getting on each other nerves, and we fought more than we made love.
I was a Taurus and he was a Gemini, so I couldn't figure out what personality he would be in until the morning. Was he a Dr. Jekyll or a Mr. Hyde? Mr. Hyde was evil, loud and with a difficult personality, so I liked it when he was Dr. Jekyll. I loved the process of being married. I was also in accordance with the rules and regulations of the marriage syndrome, so I wasn't about to give up on my marriage. I had to take my husband for better and for worse, and he had to take me the same way.
Marriage is a compromise, and a witness to being in love. We welcomed a daughter to our family and it brought us closer, but we had our own individualities, and that lasted for ten years; divorce was on the horizon, also. It was time to be alone. The love wasn't enough to sustain our marriage.
As a divorce woman I missed being married, and envy some of the couples who have been married for eleven and forty years. My parents were married for thirty years when my mother passed away. If I ever tried marriage again, this time I'd be a little knowledgeable and I'll understand the rules and regulations of being married. I know the scope of being with someone and putting up with their faults. I know I have plenty of faults, and if someone is willing to put up with me, then I should give them an academy award and a million dollars.
The perks of being married are:
1. You truly love someone and you literally want to spend the duration of your life with him/her.
2. Someone loves you.
3. You don't have to worry about dating.
4. You have the gorgeous ring.
5. You have someone to talk to, listen to, and go places with, and do things with.
6. You can make love all you want.
7. You are a couple.
8. You're no longer single.
The perks of not being married:
1. You are single with no man.
2. The dating scene is a nightmare waiting to happen.
3. You can't trust men.
4. Making love is tested, and protection is the name of the game.
5. Living together is a prospect.
6. Love and romance is difficult to find.
7. That engagement/wedding ring that you had been waiting for at least for two to five years has yet to make an appearance on your ring finger.
If I had to make a choice between being married and single; at this point in my life, I like being single because I don't want to be bothered with anyone. I know myself, and it's best that I live with myself. I'm at the age where I just don't trust a man, and I just don't want to be bothered.
On the other hand I miss love and romance, and just being with someone. I want the ball and the chain and run with it. I want to be a couple. Will I get married again? I don't think so, but the fairy tale is the concept of what we think marriage is. When we come down to earth and realize that marriage is real life, then we are awakened by a thunderstorm of reality. Let's get out of fantasy land because the real world is a bitch!

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Loving Your Spouse With Wisdom

There are two ways we can love our spouse. We can love under our own understanding of what we think love is, or we can love the way God has directed us to love. I think we all know how to love, but doing it is a whole different matter.
What is the difference between the two? The first way of loving is a condition and learned way to love, which is selfish and self-seeking. We don't know we are behaving selfishly because we do not know any other way to love.
The second way of loving is what comes naturally because we have loved and accepted God into our lives first. The reason it's so natural is because we have recognized and utilized the spiritual Christ in our lives, which makes loving a natural process of who we are.
It is very difficult to love another if we are only thinking about ourselves. Some examples of how we love our spouse selfishly are, committing adultery, being disrespectful, using controlling behavior, using negative feelings, becoming resentful, becoming ensnared in an addiction, and the list goes on.
False teachings on marriage and loose morals in society have caused many couples to become bitter and apprehensive when loving one another. Society has lost the value of what real love is and it has tainted couples into sinful behavior. As we all know sin dampens our love for God by turning our focus on ourselves. You cannot truly love your spouse if you only think of yourself.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain, or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5:25-28
1. A Husband should be willing to sacrifice everything for his wife just as Jesus Christ sacrificed everything for us. Do you think a husband who loves God will be able to make his wife the most important aspect of his life?
2. A Husband should make his wife's well-being of prime importance. Do you think that if a man accepts Christ into his life he will know how to love, protect, provide and care for his wife properly? God will give him the answers he needs.
Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:22-24
As you can see from scripture, both husband and wife are called to submit. For the wife, this means willingly following her husband's leadership in Christ. For the husband, it means putting aside his own interests in order to care for his wife properly. This means doing whatever it takes to protect, provide, love, and care for his wife under the "spiritual authority" given to him by God.
If a husband does not accept the "spiritual authority" of God, then he has no justification to think that his wife submit to him the way God intends for a woman to submit to her husband. Obviously they are not basing their love under the foundations of Jesus Christ, but under their own understanding of what they think love is, and this scripture, therefore, does not apply to them.
Here is what couples usually tell me when they are going through difficulties in their marriage. They want to do what is right for their marriage. They are willing to work at the marriage but don't know what to do about their problems. Their negative feelings bring them down, and they are usually upset and furious over the iniquities and faults of one another.
The problem is couples are basing their marriage upon worldly views, attitudes, and thoughts, and the fact is, as long as they continue to do so, they will continue to have difficulties loving their spouse properly. When we are not motivated by love, we become critical of our spouse. We stop looking for the good things in those we love and only see their faults.
We can all talk about how to love and we know what the bible says about loving our spouse, but what about doing what it says! Bottom line is real love takes effort, and if the willingness is not there to work on marriage and to love our spouse with the love that comes natural, couples will have problems.
The good news is you can love your spouse naturally and wholly by recognizing and utilizing the foundations of God's design into your relationship and working off of that for your marriage.
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:9-13
Angie Lewis is the author of two marriage books. "Journey on the Roads Less Traveled", a book about love, life, addiction, and marriage.
"Love The Man Your Married. This book tackles areas in marriage that couples need to know and understand and apply for a successful marriage. This book is a most reliable resource for married couples, from infidelity issues to complete forgiveness.

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Love and Marriage - 3 Ways to Make Your Love Marriage A Marriage Full Of Love

When Frank Sinatra crooned, 'Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage,' he was singing a universal truth. Without love, marriage is just a business arrangement. You want more than that from your marriage. You want the full fairy tale of wedded bliss, the fireworks of love, passion and romance. The funny thing is that if you want all that you do have to get down to business in your marriage. Here are 3 ways to ensure your marriage is full of love....
Your love marriage vows
Presuming your marriage is or was based initially on a mutual love attraction you have the perfect ingredients to guarantee a lifetime of married love. Remember your marriage vows. Marriage vows are legal declarations of love and the promise to love each other for a lifetime. They are truly significant and magical parts of a marriage ceremony and need to be honoured and treated with respect. You and your partner make a vow to love each other. A vow is the most solemn and earnest of promises. It is an unbreakable commitment. Treat it like that and it will become so for you. When you acknowledge your total commitment to that vow, you will move heaven and earth to make sure you keep your promise. You're gonna love your partner whether he or she likes it or not!
Love and marriage go together
Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage not only because they sound like a perfect match, but also because they forge a working alliance and they make a journey together. You and your marriage partner are going on a journey together. You have united as a team. Sometimes it will be you 'pulling the cart'. Sometimes it will be your partner. The best love marriages occur when you pull the cart together and are heading in the same direction! Be prepared to take 100% responsibility for taking your marriage where you want it to go. Pour your love into your marriage. Sweat for your marriage -- that's real love!
You can't disparage love and marriage
The love marriage is an 'institute you can't disparage'. That's an elementary fact if you want a lifetime of wedded bliss. To disparage means to belittle or disrespect. Sometimes it seems like much of the media is hellbent on disparaging love and marriage. There really aren't that many role models of long-term loving marriages being paraded in the media. Don't buy into their paradigm of a world where love marriages are unlikely, funny or doomed to divorce. Respect your love marriage, give it attention and care. Work hard and creatively to keep the chemistry bubbling between you and your beloved.
Love is a verb enacted in marriage
Love and marriage, you can't have one without the other. Marry these two together to forge an unshakeable alliance. Don't be lazy and wait for love to keep happening to you. That's a sure way for your marriage to slide off the rails. Emotions require you to get into motion. That mean's get off your butt and do something. Love in marriage is a verb. It's something that you choose to do. You consciously choose to love your partner and demonstrate that love through your actions, choices and words.
So what actions, choices and words will you use to grow this incredible love marriage of yours every single day? Why not emulate the love strategies and secrets that have built the most successful, most fulfilling marriages? It makes sense to discover and copy directly what the top 1% of long-term happy couples do to build terrific marriages. That's exactly what is contained in The 50 Secrets of Blissful Relationships. Consider shortcutting your learning curve with this resource and taking 100% responsibility for the health of your married life and love relationship. This is the way to a lifetime of love and marriage happiness.

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Causes Of Unhappy Marriage Love Life

Unhappy sexual life is a complex interaction of various factors. It is important to identify these and prevent them from becoming a cause of unhappy sex life.
It is not rare for someone to have an unhappy sex life. It is a common occurrence and leads to many emotional and psychological problems both in men and women. Therefore, it is vital for one to know about the various causes and seek ways and means to get rid of them. Essentially your physical well-being, sound emotional health, lifestyle and your relationship with your partner affect your sex life. Some factors that contribute to dissatisfaction with this sphere of life are explained below.
Physical Wellness: Men's desire to have sex can be adversely affected by various ailments, disabilities, operations/surgeries, etc. Some of the other factors that can hamper intimate moments include high blood pressure, medical ailments, diabetes and certain prescribed medicines.
Erectile dysfunction: ED is a strong cause for a man to lead an unhappy sex life. It is also known as impotency which means inability to have and sustain erection. Due to this men might also take longer time to function. After climaxing too, the loss of momentum may be quick and it would take longer than usual to have another. However, it is not a serious problem and with enormous advancement in medical science this can be dealt with ease.
Loss of libido: Inhibited sexual desire is not as common in men as it is in women. It refers to the loss of desire to have sex and shouldn't be mistaken with loss of ability to do it. This loss of libido can be attributed to many psychological factors that include anxiety and depression.
Emotional Factors: Problems in one's relationship may also be contributing towards loss of libido in either one or both the partners, this leads to an dissatisfied state of affairs.
Hormonal changes:Post pregnancy, the estrogen levels in women drop significantly and sometimes intercourse becomes uncomfortable and painful. Post menopausal women too complain of lack of interest in sex and it is safe to say that it is the hormones that play such tricks.
Emotional Factors: Relationship issues with the partner, poor body image, low self-esteem, and postpartum depression are some of the leading causes that contribute to dissatisfaction in women. It is apparent that with emotions running heavy on mind, the women are most likely not going to enjoy the act and will show least amount of interest.
Painful Intercourse: It can be caused by a pelvic mass, a ovarian cyst, vaginitis, or a scar tissue left behind due to a surgery or an STD. Sometimes psychologically too, a woman fears pain during intercourse; this pre-determined fear is known as a sexual phobia and may be brought on due to an incidence of abuse in the past.
Lack of Interest: Some conditions such as hormonal imbalances, stress and fatigue and treatments like chemotherapy tend to play a vital role in becoming a reason for a lack of sexual desire. Certain daily lifestyle factors like for instance consuming a lot of alcohol or overstretched working hours may also hamper one's ability to lead a happy sex life. Effective balancing act can help rule out chances of bedroom boredom.

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