A Biblical Perspective For Christian Marriage

n the book of Genesis, chapter 2, it says that it is not good for man to be alone. So God made him a help meet (companion) to be with him. Adam had no one to talk to, no one to share his joys or his concerns, but now he has someone. Eve would not only be his friend, but also his wife. Genesis the second chapter, verse 24 says, Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. Imagine what would it be like to have The Greatest Minister of all time to perform the ceremony, Almighty God! God himself married Adam and Eve and they became husband and wife. Then afterwards came the children. Christian marriage is a wonderful gift that has been given to us from our Creator. It is wonderful, but always bear in mind it should never be entered into lightly. When a Christian man meets and falls in love with a Christian woman it is a wonderful thing. They may have some things in common or many things in common, but the one big thing that they have in common is that they both know Jesus as their savior. That is a big plus for them. They have Jesus that will be with them in the good times, but will also be with them in the hard times. The Christian couple prays together, worships God together and goes to church together. I Peter chapter 3 verse 7 says to husbands, concerning their wives, Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto a weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. The husband is told by God to dwell with his wife and to always love her and honor her as the weaker vessel (pertaining to physical strength). The wife is also entitled to God's great plan of salvation so she becomes a heir to Heaven and eternal life, just like her husband. We all live in a society where marriage is not as popular as it use to be. In fact a lot of couples ignore marriage and just live together. There are some couples who get married but they never took their vows serious and within days or months the marriage ends in divorce. This evil world has tried to make a mockery of marriage, but thank God there are those who still believe in the sanctity of marriage. Christian couples who follow God's word and want to accept God's beliefs about marriage. Christian marriage was ordained by God for Christian men and women to partake of this great commitment. No matter what this society thinks Christian marriage is still the way to go. More importantly it is God's way to go! View the source of this article at Christian Marriage [http://www.christian-dating-agencies.com/christian-marriage.html] or visit our Christian Dating Agency Reviews [http://christian-dating-agencies.com/]

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