Rules of Christian Dating

No matter what anyone says, there are rules to Christian dating. In today's modern era, there is online and offline dating. Some Christians believe that merely because they are meeting other Christians on the internet that rules can be broken. This is not true, no matter how Christians meet one another; the dating rules are the same.

In having dating rules as Christians, this is not intended to limit Christians, instead, they are guidelines in allowing Christians to pursue great things that God has in store for them. God wants his children to live their lives to their fullest potential while living a life pleasing to him. The same as a loving "earth" father, God knows what is best for his children to allow them to live a life full of joy and happiness.

God creates situations and conditions that are conducive to success. God has not created rules of dating as a ploy to keep Christians imprisoned. Rules of dating for Christians were invented to serve as guardrails in keeping them from crashing off the road to success. The rules of Christian dating were created to keep one on the path, which God intended for them while giving them the tools needed in reaching the intended goal, which is a Christian spouse.

Christians should NEVER date a non-Christian
Dating as a Christian can prove to be a positive experience as long as one adheres to
boundaries. An important scripture in the bible Second Corinthians 6:14 states "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?" This is not a bible scripture, which states that Christians are superior to non-believers, it is merely stating the principles that "believers" should follow with interacting with non-believers.

The bible states that two people can walk together as long as they agree. If one is dating someone who does not share the same worldview, the relationship will eventually prove rocky. Dating a non-believer will eventually become conflicted due to the different worldviews both share.

Christians should take people at face value

One of the most important things Christians can learn is that they are powerless in changing other people. Only God can change people. Upon entering into a relationship with the goal being to change them, will fail miserably. Christians should accept people for who they are while learning to love and appreciate them with their imperfections. In stating this fact, this does not mean that Christians should date them.

If Christians have to change anyone in order to date him or her, they are not the right person to date. This is true in relation to the first rule mentioned earlier. God does not appoint his disciples in changing people but rather to point them to God. Christians continually enter into relationships with people who are not Christians with every intention of "converting" them into Christianity. This typically fails and proves frustrating for Christians when witnessing unfair pressure on the relationship that only few might survive.

Remain vigilant and pure

Christians should not have to be reminded of the consequences of pre-marital sex. As an adult Christian, you have already heard the dos and don'ts of this topic. This part of the article is not a sex education lecture or words meant to frighten you into submission. Firstly, it is perfectly normal to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. God does have specific guidelines for Christians to follow in dealing with these attractions.

God has established guidelines in relation to dealing with sexual urges and attractions that Christians experience. These guidelines were established in not attempting to punish Christians however, there are consequences in the decisions that one makes in relation to this topic. God fully understands the consequences of pre-marital sex, which is why Christians are warned in avoiding this trap.

When Christians engage in pre-marital sex, the essence of that person is now a part of one's self. Having pre-marital sex with anyone leads relationships to a level, which God has reserved for marriage. In the end, Christians must ask themselves if the decision to have pre-marital sex will in all essence, make them better Christians. Christians should engage into dating relationships minus pre-marital sex. This is how God intended dating relationships to be for Christians. God knows what is best for all his children but unfortunately, Christians not unlike non-believers tend to find out the hard way as compared to the way God intended.

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