Stop The Divorce - Save Your Marriage

You are in a tricky situation currently; you are considering divorce; your wife has already walked out on you; you found her cheating; your marriage is failing for reasons unknown. But you obviously do care; you are a forgiving loving man; you want to stop the divorce; you want to save your marriage.
Does this describe your situation? You are reading this article so you obviously do care about your marriage. You wish that your wife could be in love with you until "death do you part", even though she has already separated from you.
You understand that divorce is one of the worst things in the world. It affects not only you and your spouse, but also your children, your extended family and your friends. Some of the sad consequences of a marriage breakup can be seen in the following list:
- Your family life is wrecked
- Your children have split parents
- Your children have to cope with shared custody
- Your children have split loyalties
- You friends have split loyalties
- Your finances are torn apart
- Years of savings go up in smoke (or get paid to the lawyer!)
- You loose your home
- Hours of long drawn out legal battles in a divorce court
- You loose at least half of what you own
- You have ongoing alimony payments
- You have ongoing child support payments
- You feel hostile towards your wife and she towards you
- There are months or years of grieving
Is it worth it? Is this what you want? I would not wish divorce on my worst enemy. So stop the divorce now. Save your marriage
There is plenty of help available to help you work through and resolve the issues. You will find various solutions recommended by marriage guidance councellors and in the many self help books available.
But be careful. Research what others are doing;and do the opposite! Why? Because they've got it wrong. What they are doing doesn't seem to work. Almost everyone believes that human beings make the ideal decisions based on reason. In a perfect world, you could see a marriage counsellor, come up with a plan (maybe by having "date nights" or "intimacy time") and everything would be perfect. But it is not.
If you go to a relationship guru, they will tell you that you can "communicate" your way into a great marriage. But in reality, simply "talking through" your problems is the worse thing you can do. Apologizing, discussing, compromising, grovelling, begging, "communicating"…these logic based approaches have limited success.
As a man one of the key points for you to know about your wife is that she uses emotion rather than logic when making personal decisions! And logic kills attraction. So if you want to build massive feelings of love and attraction in your wife, you have to look at what really makes her feel those things!
But the good news is that no matter how bad things have gotten, no matter how disinterested your wife might seem, no matter if one of you has cheated, no matter if you're already separated - you can stop the divorce. You can save your marriage. But the longer you hesitate to do something about it the more likely you are to end up in a divorce court.
If you're like most men, you have probably already tried everything you can to save your marriage, but nothing seems to work! Counselling didn't work, books that claimed they could save your marriage didn't work, and advice from your best mate or your sister didn't work either. And now you have approached the best, really expensive divorce lawyer. Will he/she be the saviour of your marriage - I think not.
If you are so befuddled by the range of information available on this topic that you are unsure where to start, don't worry you are not the only one. There are a lot of men in similar circumstances to you. It is time now to re-invest in your marriage and super-charge it with more love, passion, fun and excitement than ever before. Educate yourself on some fantastic insights into the human condition. Become that powerful guy once more.
The answer to how to stop the divorce and save your marriage is quite simple really. The law of attraction forms the foundation. Can you remember the early days of marriage bliss when you loved each other like nothing before? Can you recollect who you were when she loved you like that? In fact the only thing you have to do is wake up that same man your wife married.
If the attraction between spouses is dead and buried how will they prevent that divorce and save the marriage? In point of fact the answer is not found by solving problems. It is actually found in building attraction. You have to develop so much heat and passion in your spouse that she is madly in love with you again. To stop that divorce and save your marriage you must lead your wife from being totally disinterested in you to being so attracted to you that you become the king of the castle and she is the queen by your side.
Would you like to know the secret about how to do that? Then here it is. In one word in is called leadership. If your marriage is in trouble, then you have not succeeded in leading your wife! Stop the divorce and save your marriage by becoming once again that amazing, compelling, dynamic leader your wife first fell in love with.
On a biological level sex drive is all about the continuation of mankind. Males with commanding leadership qualities appeal to females because subconsciously they view strong leaders as the provider, the protector, and the giver of life through fatherhood. And so nature has programmed women on a biological level to be massively attracted to leaders
You are probably thinking that this attitude is not politically correct. Of course in business and society women have total equality. But if you are serious about stopping that divorce and saving your marriage, if you want your wife to be attracted to you and in love with your forever, then that leader had better be you! lead your wife and let her biology do the rest.
To stop the divorce [] and save your marriage click on this successful, step by step guide, which was devised to wake up the innate leader in you and make your wife fall head over heals in love with you once more. Enjoy the good life of love and passion forever more. Menfolk it is up to you!! []

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