How to Mend a Marriage and Get the Good Times Back Again

One of the greatest blessings in life that anyone can have is to have a long and loving marriage. It is a proven fact that people who are happily married live longer than those on their own. It sounds simple enough, but sadly in reality, many marriages don't last for one reason or another. If you are asking "how to mend a marriage and get the good times back again", then you must be suffering a lot of pain at the moment. Enduring an unhappy marriage is such a tragedy and basically you have three options - put up with it, move on or fix it!
Let's have a look at all three options.
o Putting up with an unhappy marriage is really like living a lie. What happens here is that each party gradually drifts away and does their own thing. Usually, your life becomes one compromise after another. This is not a satisfactory solution to your problem and you should avoid "drifting along" at any cost.
o Moving on is what generally happens these days. Some couples try counseling but others want out at the drop of a hat. This is really a sad event not only for the couple involved but also their loved ones. It is particularly difficult if there are any children involved. For some people, this is their only option but an option that doesn't come cheaply, either emotionally or financially.
o Fixing it is by far the best option, particularly if the individuals still love each other. It is not easy devoting yourself to one person and to live with each other 24/7. We all have our faults - no one is perfect and it can be quite a shock finding out about your partner's bad habits. Love isn't easy nor is putting up with someone's bad habits.
The essence of a good marriage is where each party is able to express their feelings in an open and honest manner. If something is on your mind, you have a responsibility to yourself as well as your partner to get it out there. Successful marriages are all about treating each other with love and respect. It's about putting your partner ahead of yourself and working together to form a strong united unit.
If you are asking "how to mend a marriage and get the good times back again" then you really need to take some time out as a couple and seek some help. There are many examples of marriages that are strong today, yet at some stage of their journey, they needed help. There is absolutely no shame in putting your hand up for help; in fact you are to be applauded in coming to this reality. Don't just walk away. Remember those beautiful days when you first met. Can you ever forget that first kiss? What about the first time you made love? These are really special intimate moments that two people share. Do you really want to throw away those beautiful memories or do you want to re-capture your romance? It is not easy to achieve this as your life unfolds but couples in strong marriages manage to maintain a love affair with their spouse because they work on it. When was the last time you told your partner that you loved them and really meant it? Successful marriages don't just happen - they require a lot of work. The important thing is that you have to create special moments just for each other. Plan a dinner, call it a date. Plan a romantic get away for a night or two. This is not easy especially if there are children to look after BUT, if you don't look after each other and put work into your marriage then you may find that your marriage becomes just another statistic.
If you are really serious about "how to mend a marriage and get the good times back again", then never be afraid to seek help. In years to come, you might be able to say that you are having a love affair with your husband or wife. Your children will thank you for being great parents and at journeys end your grandchildren will love having a Nan and Pop in their lives.
Did you know that when couples are having relationship problems, there is a significant chance that they can be overcome with the right help?
Find out how to mend a marriage and get the good times back again at Cupids In Love Again.
If you are going through hard times, please understand that you are not alone and that there is help available right here. If you love your partner and want to know how to mend a marriage and get the good times back again then don't let it all slip away without watching our Sensitive Videos.

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How to Mend a Marriage After an Affair

If you are the one wondering how to mend a marriage after an affair, the chances are you are the one who has done the cheating. From the outset, it is important for you to understand that this is one of the most difficult indiscretions to overcome. The reason obviously, is that a good marriage is built on a foundation of trust. What you have done by having an affair is to betray that trust. You don't need anyone to remind you how serious this is in terms of your marriage. You have already found this out; otherwise you wouldn't be asking how to mend a marriage after an affair.
Realistically, any chance you have of saving your marriage rests entirely in the hands of your spouse. It's all well and good for you to say that you want another chance and that you are remorseful but unless your spouse is prepared to forgive you, you could be facing an uphill battle. As they say in the classics "nothing ventured - nothing gained." So, you owe it to yourself and those close to you to do whatever is necessary to try and retrieve your marriage.
So what should you do to get the ball rolling? First, you need to proceed slowly. Don't pressure your spouse as this may backfire. If he/she is prepared to talk with you then you have something to work on. If that's not the case, then you may need to resort to sending a letter (not an email - that's not personal enough in these circumstances) expressing your regret at your indiscretion. Your next move depends on what reaction you get to your apology. If you can start the communicating process, then you have a chance of rebuilding bridges. Given that you have betrayed the trust of your loved one, don't expect this to happen overnight. This could be a long and drawn out process and you may need to seek professional help if you are to ever get back together again. Each person is different and you will need to use your intuitive skills to work out how far you can go at any given time. This is vital, especially in the early days of trying to rebuild your marriage and the trust which you have betrayed.
There are many examples of marriages that have survived where one of the parties has had an affair, so all is not lost just yet. Put yourself in your spouse's shoes and imagine how you would feel if the boot was on the other foot and it was your spouse that cheated on you. Would you be prepared to forgive and would you be prepared to have him/her back? It is not a situation that you would want to find yourself in so you really are in the hands of your spouse and whether or not he/she has forgiveness in their heart. Say your prayers and hope they have.
If you can survive this and retrieve your marriage, never forget the sacrifice that your partner made to have you back. You have a lot of trust to earn back - It's not impossible, but it will need you to be fully committed to making it work again. Your spouse deserves your total honesty and if you are sincere, hopefully, you will never be in a position where you have to ask how to mend a marriage after an affair ever again.
If you are wondering how to mend a marriage after an affair then you are in a difficult place right now. It is not easy to restore trust with a loved one when one party has had an affair.
There is hope if you are sincere, have a forgiving partner and play your cards right. Visit Cupids In Love Again to learn how you should tackle this difficult situation.

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How To Save Your Marriage - Marriages Really Can Last Forever

It's a fact that more marriages end in divorce than those that last. It used to be that marriages really were forever. The phrase "till death do us part" was actually meant when it was uttered during wedding vows.
Now, we see or hear about celebrities who marry for 18 hours and couples that get hitched only to get legal status in one country or another.
Marriage is not a word that should be taken lightly, yet it is on a daily basis. But what do you do when your marriage is starting to fall apart, when everything you want is slowly slipping away?
You rescue it.
1) Rescuing the Relationship
To save your relationship, you must first figure out what is causing it to fall apart. Do you and your spouse talk about things, or are you too busy working and raising your family to discuss what's going on?
Have you gone on a date in the last six months? Do you fight and argue all the time, or has one of you cheated on the other?
What is causing the relationship to break down? Let's face it; you don't just wake up one morning and say, "I think I'd like a divorce today."
In order to figure out what's going (or gone) wrong in your relationship, you need to take a step back from your feelings to observe what is going on.
If you fight frequently, write down the things you fight about. Write down the amount of time you've spent together in the last few days, and write down what you were doing when you weren't spending time together.
You will want to get everything straight in your head before you start to talk to your spouse about your problems and what you think might be damaging your relationship.
2) Talking - It Is Not Overrated
After you have gathered your information, approach your spouse. Make sure you go into the discussion calmly and rationally. You also want to make sure that you're not accosting or accusing, but rather asking and questioning.
If you go into the talk too aggressively, you are going to turn them off and nothing will get answered or resolved. Make sure you lay everything out on the table, from the things that are bothering you to the things that you wish you did more of together.
Explain that you want to know how your spouse is feeling, and that you care about where they want the relationship to go.
3) Scheduling
If you have a busy schedule, you may want to make an appointment to have this discussion. Actually, making a schedule for the two of you on a weekly basis is an excellent idea.
All parents know that children thrive on routine, which is why they have a time to wake up, a time to eat, and a time to go to bed. Relationships thrive on a somewhat of a timed schedule, as well.
For instance, I have a friend whose husband and herself spend every Saturday night together. They have young children, so most of the time they stay in instead of going out. They will rent a movie and either get take-out or some quick meal they can throw together once the kids have gone to bed.
They would leave the lights on in the living room long enough to eat their meal, and then, once that's done, they put the dishes in the sink (they will still be there the next day, so there's no reason to spoil the mood by doing them), turn the lights off and snuggle together to watch the rest of the movie.
They don't talk about anything except the movie, and make sure that they are touching each other as much as we can.
It is not "un-romantic" to schedule time to be with your spouse. Make sure that you get some time together, whether it's going out together, or staying in watching a movie. Sometimes you can pull out a board game, add some alcohol, and have a great night being silly together.
As you get along in your relationship, you come to take each other for granted. Spending fun, relaxing time together is one great way to get your relationship back on track.
If you're thinking about filing for divorce because you can't stand the fighting anymore, stop. Think about why you are fighting, and try to put yourself in your partner's shoes.
When you love each other and put a little work into it, marriages really can last forever.

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How to Save a Marriage When Your Partner is Cheating

It is such a devastating thing to realize or be told that your husband or wife is cheating on you. You will feel betrayed, hurt, angered, and many more emotions. However, through all of this, you may decide that you still want to save your marriage. The truth is that you absolutely can save your marriage, even if your partner is cheating. Here are a few pointers that might help you in this situation, along with some information that might be helpful.
It's important to first find out why your partner is cheating. Most of the time in a marriage, the partner who has or is cheating is not cheating because they have emotional feelings toward the person they are cheating with. Actually, it is due to either the need for physical contact with someone or out of spite for their spouse. Usually, a cheating partner is looking for an outlet without strings attached. So, they don't plan on becoming emotionally or romantically involved with the person they are cheating with. Rather, they want to simply have someone there who desires them, who will listen to them talk, or something similar.
After you have figured out why the partner has been cheating, you need to find out if they are willing to commit to saving the marriage. Most of the time, they do want to save the marriage, and if they see that you are willing to forgive them and work on saving the marriage, they will agree. One of the most important things to remember when you are working on trying to save your marriage when your partner is cheating is that you will have to forgive. This is one of the hardest things in the entire world to do.
However, in order to save your marriage, you will have to learn to forgive your partner. Letting them know that you forgive them and still love them is a very important thing. You also need to ensure that your spouse is committed to saving your marriage and that they apologize for cheating and are done with it. There is no point in trying to save your marriage if your partner is not sorry and if they don't plan to end the affair with the intention of remaining faithful to you from here on out.
When these things are completed, setting some serious marriage goals may be a great idea. Certain things such as spending more quality time with your spouse, showing them how much you care about them, and doing something every single day that will strengthen your marriage are some great goals to make. Of course, making them also means you must do everything in your power to fulfill them and follow through with them. Taking active, positive steps to fulfill your goals is the only way to accomplish the things you desire and to save your marriage. It is absolutely salvageable if love and desire exists within both partners. Doing these things can help you save your marriage even if your partner is cheating. With drive, determination, and commitment, you can do it!
Loving a spouse who doesn't appear to love you back can be absolutely heartbreaking. Don't walk away with a crushed heart and bruised spirit. Instead, fight back and save your marriage today. Visit and learn proven tips and techniques to get your spouse back and rekindle lost romance.

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How to Rebuild Trust After an Affair - Important Points to Remember

When you are learning how to rebuild trust after an affair, it is vital to keep some important points in mind. No two couples are alike, so it only stands to reason that the same methods will not work for everyone. No method is completely foolproof, and unfortunately there is not one universal trust building process that will fix everything. You need to be willing to put in the time and work necessary to save a seriously damaged relationship. If you do, you will find that even an affair is not insurmountable and your marriage can be much stronger in the long run.
A painful but necessary step in how to rebuild trust after an affair is to find out what really caused the affair. Obviously some need was not being met for the partner who actually had the affair, but what was it? Really dig deep into your relationship to find out what happened, but do not try to place the blame on each other. That will not get you anywhere. Your goal is to save your marriage, and pinpointing the cause of the affair will help you keep it from happening again in the future.
If you want to learn how to rebuild trust after an affair, do not try to get revenge on your spouse for what they have done. This will accomplish absolutely nothing in saving your marriage. If you are sure that you want to stay together, you should support your spouse in their attempts to show you that they are trustworthy. Show your appreciation if they offer to let you monitor their e-mail accounts or cell phones. They are trying to show you that they do not have anything to hide. Let them know that you are glad they are trying so hard to regain your trust.
Finally, do not listen to other people's advice for how to rebuild trust after an affair if it is obvious they do not agree that you should save your marriage. It is solely up to you to decide what is right for your relationship. If you and your spouse want to stay together and improve your trust, do not listen to the people who think you should get a divorce. Paying attention to other people's negativity will only cause you to experience even more negative feelings toward your spouse at a time when you should be working together.

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Rebuilding Trust After an Affair - What Couples Should Know

It is not uncommon for couples to battle the pain and realities of infidelity. Many couples went through the stage where a spouse goes astray and engages in an affair with another person and then realizes in the end that their marriage is more important than any affair. Although the adulterous spouse came into his or her senses and the cheated spouse decided to give another chance, still the damage had been done and the result... broken trust. Can this broken trust be restored? Rebuilding trust after an affair is not easy, but it is not impossible. Many couples decided to fix the damage of an affair than take the path of divorce.
The journey of healing and rebuilding trust can be long and painful. While there is no one size fits all solution in restoring a broken trust, these tips can be very helpful in rebuilding trust after an affair.
Willingness from both parties to cooperate and restore the broken trust. Rebuilding trust after an affair requires teamwork from both spouses. While the adulterous spouse should be more accountable, the cheated spouse should be willing to share the responsibility to make the relationship work again. Re-establishing one's integrity after cheating is not easy if the other party is not cooperating. The guilt and repentance of the adulterous spouse is not enough to rebuild a broken trust if the cheated spouse is not willing to forgive and help the relationship move on to the next level. Both spouses should work as a team in rebuilding broken trust after an affair.
Do not get tired of answering questions. The cheated spouse will surely ask unending questions about the details of the affair and when you think the questioning finally ends, he or she may start asking questions again. You might have to answer the same questions over and over again but never get tired of your spouse's questions and be willing to answer them with patience and kindness. This questioning may go on for weeks, months or even years. After quite some time, the questioning may decrease but it will still come up once in a while. Understand that those questions were not asked to make you feel bad but those were healthy questions to create better understanding and better communication to both of you. A better and stronger marriage has no secrets. You were united as one under the matrimony of marriage so no more secrets, no more it's "hers" or it's "his" but now it's "ours."
Mutual respect. In rebuilding trust after an affair, it is important to respect one another. For the betrayed spouse, show respect to your spouse even if your spouse even if you've been betrayed. If you cannot show respect at this point, restoring the broken trust would be impossible. Admitting one's mistake and trying to revive one's integrity after an affair are not easy but your spouse is willing to do those things, he or she deserves some respect. Not everyone can do that. For the adulterous spouse, respect the emotions of your hurt spouse. The pain of being betrayed is not easy to deal with and you have to respect what he or she is going through.
Be transparent. As the one who broke your spouse's trust, be transparent and do not hide anything. Instead of making your spouse suspicious again, feed all the information to your spouse. Be an open book and let your spouse know everything to help you restore the trust in your marriage. Let your spouse know if your ex other woman called or contacted you. Give your spouse access to your emails, phone and social media account to prove that you are keeping your promises and you have nothing to hide. Of course, you also have to remind your spouse that your being transparent is not something that he or she can use to manipulate or control you. Both spouses should be mature enough to recognize that this transparency about everything is important in rebuilding trust after an affair but not to manipulate each other.
Stay committed. The process of healing and rebuilding trust after an affair doesn't happen overnight and even the most committed couples may waver when faced with difficulties. Sometimes, it can be frustrating to find yourselves making one step forward and two steps backwards but stay committed to your goal of rebuilding trust in your relationship. Continue working as a team, forgive more and love more.
For more guides on saving a troubled marriage visit Saving a Troubled Relationship

Things a Cheating Spouse Can Do To Rebuild Trust After an Affair

It's pretty evident that one of the biggest struggles that our readers are experiencing is rebuilding trust after an affair. If I were to summarize what a betrayed spouse needs for trust to be restored I would have to say that there are basically three things in general:
  1. They have to find a way to cope with the immediate emotions, pain and stress (both physical and mental) that is caused by the affair.
  2. They must believe that their spouse is committed to the relationship.
  3. They must determine the chances of an affair happening again.
If these three things are not addressed, it is highly unlikely that trust can be rebuilt.
So what can a cheating spouse do to help their spouses in each of these three areas?
Rebuild Trust by Helping Your Spouse Cope With the Initial Emotions and Pain
Stop the behavior that is causing the pain. End the affair and cut of all contact with the other person. Communicate to your spouse if there is any contact attempts by the other person or yourself. Stop whatever it is that has caused the trust to be broken.
Own it. Take responsibility for what you have done and the pain you have caused. Do not blame your spouse for your actions. Be remorseful and express grief for what you have done and communicate that you understand what you have done to them. Let your spouse know that you are willing to do whatever it takes to make amends. Allow your spouse to express their anger and emotions.
Commit to change. Taking responsibility is one thing, but you also have to prove that you are ashamed of your behavior by working to eliminate the causes of your behavior. Show your spouse you want to save the relationship. Ask your spouse for forgiveness
Understand their pain. Express your sincere concern for the pain you have caused and make an effort to understand how the affair has impacted them. Show them that they really do matter and that you care for them.
Rebuild Trust by Showing you are Committed to the Relationship
Be truthful. The betrayed spouse will more than likely have trouble believing they have all the truth after the discovery of the affair. If they believe the truth has been withheld, then they will also feel that you're not committed to them or to the relationship.
Be willing to share details of the affair. Let go of any secrets. Be honest, as the betrayed will withhold trust and will not be able to move past that if they feel the truth is still unknown. It's best to do this completely upfront and not subsequently in bits and pieces.
Answer all questions from your spouse in a non-defensive manner - no matter how difficult or painful they might be.
Rebuild Trust by Proving That You Will Not be Unfaithful Again
Just do it. Words are cheap. Show you are trustworthy and committed by your actions. Be consistent in your actions in everything you do - even the most remedial daily tasks. Show that you can handle your life in a competent manner by working hard, being a good parent and working hard at your affair recovery.
Be thankful. Your spouse didn't ask for all of this pain and to have to go through this. Let them know on a regular basis that you are appreciative and grateful that they chose to stay with you and didn't kick you out on the street.
Really listen. Show that you care for your spouse by your willingness to listen to their side of the story and how the affair has impacted them. Let them express their pain without getting upset or angry. Let them know their pain is important to you. Trust is about what they need, not your discomfort.
Transparent communication. Communicate openly and honestly at all times with respect to your actions, intentions and motives. Your spouse is not a mind reader, so let them know what's going on and trust will grow. Let them check up on you or monitor your activities if need be.
Be trusting yourself. Be willing to trust your spouse and they will be more likely to trust you in return. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Don't battle for control in the relationship. Share the decision making and the process for healing by validating their needs, opinions, interests and abilities.
Get rid of self-centeredness. Be focused and sensitive to your spouse's needs and desires. Do things that are in your spouse's best interests and do not pursue self-serving activities. Show real concern for your spouse.
Be proactive. Make sacrifices in order to help build the foundation for your spouse's security and happiness. Help them as much as possible during this healing process. Do not be hesitant. Your actions will only serve to reveal your heart's intent. Discover what it is that you can do to help in the healing process.
As you can see, the cheating spouse has to do quite a bit to achieve success in recovering, healing and rebuilding trust after an affair. The cheater's willingness to do what's necessary will show that they are committed to the relationship and are interested in their spouse's healing and eventually trust can begin to grow.
Linda and her husband have just completed a book on how they rebuilt the trust in their own marriage after an affair. For more information, check out: "Journey to Trust". You can also visit their blog at where they share their experiences and advice on how to recover from infidelity.

Signals to Watch Out For With a Cheating Husband Or Wife

Do you suspect that your wife or husband is having an affair? Where deceit and lies abound, mistakes are bound to be made. If you pay attention and not ignore what your intuition is telling you, there are a lot of signals to watch out for with a cheating husband or wife. If you are ready to face the truth, here are some behavior changes that may signal that your wife or husband is involved in an extramarital affair.
1. Your wife or husband no longer has time for the two of you to sit and talk. If you no longer talk like you used, to this may be a sign that your spouse has lost interest in you and is interested in someone else. An unfaithful husband or wife always seeks to distance themselves from their husband or wife.
2. If your husband or wife starts to behave differently during sexual intercourse, it may be a sign of cheating. If they want to try new techniques or the sexual relations feel different, there could be cheating involved. Are you asking yourself where they learned that new move from?
3. In addition to wanting to try new techniques in the bedroom, in other cases, your wife or husband may appear not to be interested in sexual intercourse with you anymore. You may not remember the last time they initiated physical intimacy with you. If your spouse is not having sexual relations with you, they are having it with someone else.
4. Is your spouse suddenly very committed to their physical appearance and may have joined a gym. When there is an interest in someone else, physical appearance becomes important. Has your wife or husband started losing a lot of weight and have they changed their clothes, hairstyle, showing more skin etc, this could be a sign of cheating and they wish to impress someone else that they hope will take your place.
5. Does your husband or wife appear to get angrier with you more often and mainly over inconsequential things? Due to guilt because they are cheating, they may want to find fault with you to justify having an extramarital affair. If the only time you seem to talk is when you are having an argument, cheating may be the culprit. In addition to how they act towards you, pay attention to how they act around other family members.
6. Pay addition to the behavior of the friend you have in common in addition to watching your husband or wife's behavior. Do you perceive that those friends have started acting differently towards you? This may signal that they know more about what is going on with your spouse than you do. Even when they do not come right out and tell you what is going on with your husband or wife, they may inadvertently show you some signs.
You need to observe your wife or husband's behavior for a period of time because none of the above signs may guarantee that they are cheating and you may need to observe a combination of behaviors to be sure. While changing their appearance may be a sign of interest in another, it may also be a sign that they want to look god for you or improve their health and feel better about themselves.
Additional steps after noting the above behavior may need to be taken to confirm or refute cheating such as checking your phone bill, monitoring cell phone or phone usage, etc. Be sure not to accuse them of cheating until you have the proof otherwise you will simply make your marriage problems worse.
Although it may be devastating, knowing the truth will set you free and you can come up with a plan of action when dealing with infidelity []. Visit my website for additional resources and tips on catching a cheating wife or husband at [].

3 Reasons Your Spouse is Cheating on You Right Now

We try not to to see the signs. We sometimes even ignore the obvious. But the reality is that 1 in every 2 relationships ends because of an affair. Men cheat on women and women cheat on men. It's been going on since the dawn of humanity and nothing we say or do will stop the cheating.
But we can prevent ourselves from continuing on in a relationship that has disaster written all over it. We just have to see the signs, find the truth, and run like hell. The next few paragraphs will outline the top 3 reasons why your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend is out there messing' around behind your back. The sooner you wake up and see this relationship for what it really is - adultery - the sooner you can move on to find that real soulmate. Believe me, he/she is out there. You just have to have the courage to move on.
The number one reason why partners cheat is that there is something missing in the bedroom. Now that doesn't mean that it is your fault by any means. You may just be dating or married to a freak. Your partner may be into things secretly that you will never know about. And things may be different if there was better communication but most people who hold secrets do so for a reason. They don't want anyone to know. Now the rationale in a cheater's mind is that what they are doing is OK because their significant other would go bananas at the thought of such sexual deviance. In this case, you are better off without that person. relationships are founded upon honesty and if there isn't 100% honesty in yours then it is doomed.
Reason number 2 is that the person your spouse/partner is hooking up with pays more attention to them than you do. And we as humans sometimes need validation. If you are not going that extra mile to see to it that your partners emotional needs are met, then chances are that at some point they will seek it out elsewhere. Remember just because it doesn't matter to you doesn't mean it doesn't matter to them. Spend 10 minutes a day pretending you were your partner and ask yourself what would i like my man or woman to do for me today?
Finally, the third reason why people cheat is for the thrill of it. Let's face it when a relationship starts you are thinking every moment of every day about what you can do that would be special or exciting with your lover. As years go by the spark turns to spud and when presented with the opportunity to get some excitement back in their lives the cheater cheats. Now, no one is condoning this behavior but it doesn't change the fact that it still is a real reason why your partner is cheating.
Try your best to keep open lines of communication, keep things at least luke-warm in the bedroom, or maybe once in a blue moon sneak up on your partner, blindfold him or her and get busy right then and there in the kitchen, bathroom, wherever. Go the extra mile and keep him/her wanting more so they don't have to go find it somewhere else.
If you feel like your spouse/partner is cheating on you and its ripping apart your insides because you don't actually have proof then visit [] and I promise you will find the truth. Best of luck in your current relationship. I hope it lasts forever.

How to Stop Your Man From Cheating

Cheating can devastate any relationship and it often leads to fighting and a broken heart. There are many different reasons people cheat and it is the ultimate sign of disrespect. The best way to stop your man from cheating is to end it before it even starts.
Think about when you and your boyfriend or husband first met. You probably had a lot of admiration for him and this in turn attracted him to you like crazy! The key here is admiration. Men want to feel like they are admired and women respect their masculinity. This is a huge turn on for men and will have them attached to you like glue. You obviously had these feelings at the beginning of your relationship and at that point your man wouldn't have ever thought about cheating.
As your relationship moves on you probably lost some of that admiration or stopped expressing it. This in turn causes you man to seek it elsewhere. Most often this is the root of all cheating and affairs. It may sound juvenile but men crave this type of connection and you obviously provided it at one point.
Men are not driven to cheat by a pretty face or nice body despite what most people think. They crave an environment where they feel respected, admired, and powerful. This was probably very prominent in your relationship at the beginning and you man would do anything to keep that going. He can't, however, force you to treat him a certain way. Just as you probably desire flowers or sweet gifts from time to time, admiration is the equivalent for males. Think of this as the ultimate armor for scandalous women that would be willing to steal your man away.
This about your relationship and how it has changed. Has your man already cheated or are you just afraid that he will? Has the fun and excitement ended and turned into nagging and frustration? A lot of times men feel nagged by their girlfriend or wife after the admiration and respect begins to wear off and the relationship becomes too comfortable. Realize that as you desire certain treatment and emotion, so does your man. It takes work to stay together and build a strong relationship. Every person has needs and if they are fulfilled as they were in the beginning of your relationship then your man won't even consider cheating on you!
Learning how to stop your man from cheating [] could save your relationship. Learn more,
Visit [].